schuetzen rifle calibers

These rifles were most often based on the falling block Martini system and, as can be seen with this example, great lengths were taken to achieve extreme accuracy. WebThe "Schuetzen" lever is, I assume the 3-finger lever and is a good option. 6.1 Personal wind flags must not interfere with any competitor's line of sight. Ed Yost's second prototype rifle was a .32-40 caliber This case is only suitable for varmint rifle use, and ballistics and loadings are the same as the regular 222. 7.7 Excessive hits/ all matches: if more than the required number of hits appear on a target and cannot be identified by caliber, the score will be composed of the required number of hits of the lowest score. I use it for gallery loads with bullets shot from the case. Bore still has visible rifling and remains bright. If the number of shooters exceeds the number of firing positions available, flights will be assigned prior to firing the match. Excellent bore. I read this article and the posted comments with great interest. Paterson dont spring up as Masters with out a master to train them.) When targets are hung, it is the competitor's responsibility to hang the correct, properly marked target for the match. WebKnown as Schuetzen rifles, these were named after the German military term of the time basically referring to "snipers". B. Equipped with a 30 inch octagon #4 weight barrel, Winchester scope mount, front sight and clean bore. Mint bore. A. State the complaint verbally to the jury. Naturally, this brass is marked .32-40 WIN even though it is a Ballard & Marlin invention. This bullet should have no taper (.376 diameter), and a round or Snover nose seems to give the best flow through the air. One is 25 RF and the other is 22 LR. This week, that involved a copy of Gerald Kelvers Schuetzen Rifles: History and Loadings. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. For many of you, thats what youre looking for. ), you should look for a bullet that is about 280 - 300 grains. Sighting or fouling shots will be permitted if firing has been interrupted for an appreciable length of time. 2.4 Color corrective filters or vision corrective diopters may be used, but only in one of the sights, front or rear, but not both. A. For the purpose of ranking tied scores, the bull's numbers will be considered to run in sequence through out the entire course of fire, even though all targets of an event may not be framed at one time. Schuetzen Rifles: History and Loadings is on Amazon only as a used book at several times the cover price, so if you would like a copy, I would recommend a black powder supplier like the Buffalo Arms Company, who has if for $13.95. Driving directions are found elsewhere on this web-site. WebOther .25 calibers followed, including the .25-21, .25-25 and .25-35, but the one that became the target- shooting stalwart was the .25-20 SS. Manns The Bullets Flight on archive .org. WebSchuetzen black powder is made with a blend of Alder, Hazelnut, and Maple charcoals to give the cleanest, high performance black powder. 6. Hopkins & Allen Rifles. 54 ~ .22 L, WELL DOCUMENTED STEVENS NEW MODEL TIP UP POCKET RIFLE, J. Stevens Arms & Tool Company ~ No. A Nickel plated, engraved by Swann, Stevens action with crisp double set trigger. Hard to find youth rifl, #848A STEVENS MODEL 47-44 1/2, 32-40, 30" part oct. heavy bbl., 1 3/32 at breech end, SN 70XX, matching nos., Schuetzen buttplate, PG Schuetzen stock, Stevens vernier tang sight, late Lyman globe, HARD TO FIND STEVENS 55 LADIES' MODEL, .22 LONG RIFLE, #64XXX, MADE 1897-1916, Stevens 44-1/2 By Paul Shuttleworth, CPA Corporation, Two Barrel Set, 22LR & 38-55 w/ Montana Vintage Sights, stevens NO. First year production Winchester 1894's were offered only in .32-40 and .38-55. If you plan to do silhouette shooting, you will want a heavier bullet, 300-320 grains. Appoint a jury of 3 members, who will assist him in the match operation as required. The head size is the same as the .32-20. bbl., special order Schuetzen buttstock with aluminum Schuetzen buttplate, SST, Stevens palm rest, scope blocks, exc. The Schuetzenmeister must state the rule under which disqualification is being made. Tube extensions for sights are permitted, providing rifle barrel length is in accordance with ATF regulations. Guns could be of any configuration as long as they were non-bolt-action single shot designs. It uses small rifle or pistol primers, but a lot of original brass uses the larger primers. I had been astounded three greats were there and then, not realizing there were five. Following that, Kelver has brief chapters on some prominent western gunsmiths Carlos Gove, John P Lower, George Schoyen, AW Peterson, Frank and George Freund, George Schalk, AO Zischang, Adolph Nieder, W Milton Farrow, and, of course, Harry M Pope. 4.5 Cartridge components may be examined by Schuetzenmeister on request. WebCalibers available include 38-55, .40-65 Winchester, .45-70 and others. Our reamer is a special match grade which minimizes bullet jump. WebSchuetzens are heavy, 12 to 15 pounds, much of that weight in the barrel. There are many Schuetzen shooters who prefer the .38-55 to the various .32s because the bullet is heavy, and they get better results in the wind at 200 yards. A single shot rifle/pistol is defined as a breech loading cartridge rifle/pistol without a magazine or provision for additional cartridges in which the action must be operated, and a cartridge or shell must be inserted manually for each shot. The used value of a SCHUETZEN RIFLE WebWeighing in at 9.2 pounds the rifle has a trigger reach of 13-1/4" making it well suited for today's average size shooter. Rifle is used in very good condition with a very good bore. The original guns had mostly 18 twist, but modern shooters prefer 15 or 16 twist barrels to handle heavy bullets over 300 grains. 11.4 Only the competitor will be allowed at any bench during the competitive shooting, the spotter, who must be behind the firing line, may indicate shot location/score and number of shots fired using only non-verbal communication, but will not be allowed to coach. 49 Walnut Hill 22lr 441/2 action, Pope ~ Stevens ~ Ideal Schuetzen Special No. This model is usually built to order as to stock style, caliber, barrel size, shape and length. Blinder. WebA SCHUETZEN RIFLE rifle is currently worth an average price of $1,032.73 used . Bore still has visible rifling and remains bright. One notable feature of both this case and the Miller Short is that the barrel can be rechambered to .32-40 should the original caliber be unsatisfactory, or if you want to shoot in the traditional class. (Rather stupid of me, a Schoyen or an A.W. "SN: None. The gun still shoots. Gun has actual original finish left on wood with original blue with nice case coloring remaining. The rim has been reduced from the regular .30-30 size to .30-06 size to adapt it to the bolt action rifles originally made for this caliber. For questions about our inventory, please write to:, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. The 12 month average price is $1,032.73 used. When Ballard originally developed the .32-40 it was supposed to be a combination hunting and target cartridge. The .28-30 Caliber is considered the first 7 mm centerfire rifle cartridge. When a competitor feels that a target fired on by himself or by another competitor has been improperly evaluated or scored, he may challenge the scoring. This rifle is sold for parts, J. Stevens Marksman in 22LR with 22" barrel. Stevens 44 1/2, falling block 22 LR, Shutzen single shot. The 28-35 is a 7. wide, to support arm. Front and rear rests may not be connected to each other or to the bench. 44 rifle in .22 Short. This means that you come at any time and shoot essentially as much as you want. Such additional shots must be fired from the same position as the record string and must be on a separate practice target. Back to Top, .25 HORNET This caliber is the smallest of the .25 calibers that we chamber for, and is designed for use as a smallbore target cartridge using smokeless powder. 2 weight barrel with an axcellent bore. Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts by email. Butt-plate with shoulder support. The previous owner installed a home made thumb rest as seen in th, #1196A STEVENS ENGRAVED MODEL 52-44 SCHUETZEN RIFLE, SN 52XX, matching nos., 2 sets of bbl. It is said that if the Sharps rifle cartridges were for the long range hunter the Stevens cartridges were for every man! All competitors will be ranked in the match according to their total scores. Wood is in excellent condition with most all the high gloss finish remaining. It is located a few miles north of Frederick MD. We do not recommend the use of stainless steel barrels, as they cannot be blued, foul more, and have a shorter accuracy life. Entry fees are $20/day or $50/3days, and include lunch and beverages. 8.3 Offhand or standing: the competitor must be erect on both feet with no other portion of the body touching the ground or any supporting surface. The case is the .22 Hornet necked up to .25. This case works well with Varget or 4064. It does not offer any improvement over a rimfire in the field, but is interesting as the smallest reloadable case. 26 inch number 2 barrel. Anyway the gun may have been converted to .22LR simply because the ammo was completely obsolete. German Schuetzen Rifle 8.15X46 caliber, 30" octagonal barrel with groove top for sights, rear tang sight and notched front sight. This gun features unusual XXX deluxe wood with no checkering. I wouldnt call these chapters comprehensive by any means, but they will be of some use to the shooter looking to improve their processes for making components or vintage cartridges. 1.6 Maximum forearm width is 3 inches. Frederica kept the gun in the family for another 68 years. Bore is approximately .36 caliber. 1985. If not satisfied with their decision then: B. It has considerable potential with Accurate Arms #9 powder, and can handle bullets to about 210 grains in a 15 twist barrel. Chambered for various popular cartridges. You can even use black powder, a recommended load being 9.5 grains of FFFG with 50 0r 55 grain bullet. It was available in many special-order variations, with standard models including Sporting Rifle Low Wall, Sporting Rifle High Wall, Schuetzen Rifle, Deluxe Sporting Rifle and High and Low Wall Muskets. The normal weight used in the past was 130-135 grains, and this is certainly a good place to start. A sandbag may be used under the toe of the butt stock and under the barrel or forearm of the rifle. WebW2548A DELUXE WINCHESTER 1885 LAUDENSACK SCHUETZEN RIFLE IN CALIBER 22 SHORT [M] $9,500.00. Choose Caliber & Barrel Size: Select Steel or Brass Hardware: Schweitzer: Schweitzer Flintlock or Percussion Rifle Kit: 189-19 $819.00. Look for a tapered bullet, from about .368 to .376, and a flat nose will give you the best hole in your target. 11.5 When leaving the firing point, the rifle must be unloaded and the action open, and the rifle put in the rack behind the firing line. 1.2 Bolt action rifles/pistols are not permitted in the matches, even though they may be single shots. 12.4 A protest must be initiated immediately upon the occurrence of the protested incident. Features vernier tang sight, with hooded front sight. In my book, each of three gunfighters used a different local western gunsmith. It is very possible that some of the new powders, such as Accurate Arms #9, will work well in this case. You may also request to have your email address added to the schuetzen mailing list. The 38-55 and 25-35 barrels were built by CPA, all the forearms were built by CPA as well. Antique Rifles - Single Shot. Back to Top, .225 WINCHESTER A very fine and powerful varmint caliber which is the same as the Improved Zipper. 11.2 It is the competitor's responsibility to have full knowledge of the rules under which the match is fired and to be familiar with the program. In order to compensate for insufficient length of arms the shooter is permitted to use a palm rest or finger tip rest. Competitors are expected to call any infraction of the rules of safety and good sportsmanship to the officials. SECTION 1 - RIFLE/PISTOL Guns Listing ID: 620660NO BOX, See photos for details. 11.1 It is the duty of each competitor to sincerely cooperate with tournament officials in the effort to conduct a safe, efficient tournament. Receiver and butt plate have most of their original nickel plating with flaking. All rights reserved. Action works properly. However, a nose-pour mold would be perfect for semi-wadcutter and other flat-point designs. However, a muzzle rest attached to the barrel is allowed provided it is no more than six inches wide, with a maximum height of 3 inches between the bottom of the barrel and the bottom of the muzzle rest. Checkered deluxe wood is in excellent condition with most original varnish. A single shot rifle/pistol is defined as a breech loading cartridge rifle/pistol without a magazine or provision for additional cartridges in which the action must be operated, and a cartridge or shell must be inserted manually for each shot. Back to Top, .22 MAYNARD EXTRA LONG CENTER FIRE Originally created as a reloadable version of the old rimfire .22XL, this is an exceptionally cute caliber. Brass is available from two sources (Bertram and the people that make a similar modern case), and probably would last forever if breech seated. 2 Early Gun Makers & their Tools Vintage Gun Making Machinery The Guild System Austrian Gunmakers Miscellanious Advertisements for Austrian Makers German Gunmaking Centers (All original) rile features a nice relief factory scroll engraving on the a, This HM Pope Stevens Ideal Schuetzen Special was manufactured between 1897 and 1915 and remains in excellent overall condition. Enjoy what you read on Forgotten Weapons? It features a 26-inch heavy barrel and a Lyman Aperture sight. Id also had A.W. A keyhole shot will be scored from the geometric center of the hole in bench rest and from the leaded edge in offhand. For a little more velocity, you can specify the .22 Kilbourn Hornet. For top accuracy in the new Schuetzen rifles, spitzer shaped 196 to 204 grain cast bullets, tapered especially for breach seating, are used with 13 to 14 grains of H4227 and Federal 150 LP primers. A. "Single shot rifle. The competitor having the highest score on target number five will be ranked higher. Lever action rifles chambered for the .32-40 were the Marlin models 1881 and 1893, and the Winchester model 1894. Bore has strong rifling with minor pitting. It was produced in variety of calibers, but mostly .22 and similar While competitors typically use Ballard, Sharps, Remington rolling-block, or Winchester high- or low-wall rifles or modern-made replicas of these designs modern rifles such as the Ruger No. Back to Top, .22 WINCHESTER RIMFIRE MAGNUM This is an interesting sporting caliber, offering more power than the Long Rifle with very acceptable accuracy. The heart of the rifle is a .40 caliber by 30" tapered octagon barrel. It is very quiet, however, and produces little smoke or smell for indoor shooting. With rifles, loading dies, cases and bullet moulds readily available, the .32-40 refuses to die, purely on the grounds of nostalgia and superb accuracy. A popular option is a .22LR barrel for use in practice or for indoor matches. Winchester considered it a replacement for the .220 Swift, although it is not as powerful as that barn burner, but it is nearly up to the .22-250. bbl., matching nos., engraved Stevens frame with elk on left side & a mountain lion on right with scroll engrav Click for more info Seller: Jim Goergen Area Code: 507 Competitors are allowed one shot at a classic target particular to the type of rifle, e.g., a squirrel for 22RF and a buffalo for big bore guns. Back to Top, .28-222R Made from the .222 Rimmed brass by Bertram, this is a smaller sized .28 case. with a BSA 6-24 scope Beautiful looking stock. Equipped with a 30 inch octagon #4 weight barrel, Winchester scope mount, front sight and clean bore. 8.7 In the benchrest, the front stand and the rear support must be able to be freely lifted form the bench and the rifle must be able to be lifted from the rest freely with the rest remaining in contact with the supporting bench top. Back to Top, .28-30 STEVENS This is a fine original caliber, one made famous in its day by Stevens and also chambered by Winchester and the custom makers. Such high velocity may be a great advantage, as the bullet is supersonic to 200 yards. Model: Schuetzen Type: Rifle Gauge: 22 Barrel: 26 3/4 inch octagon Finish: blue/nickel Grip: Stock: walnut Item Views: 1676 Serial Number: Catalog Page: 57 Class: Modern Long Gun Rating: NC - FINE- All original finish 90% - 94% or better, some dings in wood wear commensurable with percent of finish. DELUXE WINCHESTER 1885 LAUDENSACK SCHUETZEN RIFLE IN CALIBER 22 SHORT. The double set trigger functions fine. Scheduled events in 2020 are May 16, 17, 18; Aug 7, 8, 9: and Oct 2, 3, 4. Additional shots must be initiated immediately upon the occurrence of the new powders, such as Accurate #. Id: 620660NO BOX, See photos for details Schuetzen rifle schuetzen rifle calibers 22. Were offered only in.32-40 and.38-55 this gun features unusual XXX deluxe with... Arms # 9, will work well in this case to compensate for insufficient length of Arms the shooter permitted... Marlin invention and this is a.40 caliber by 30 '' tapered octagon barrel.28 case 9, will well! Long range hunter the Stevens cartridges were for the.32-40 were the Marlin 1881... Stupid of me, a recommended load being 9.5 grains of FFFG with 0r. Posts by email to 200 yards considered the first 7 mm centerfire cartridge... Octagon # 4 weight barrel, Winchester scope mount, front sight minimizes bullet jump handle. 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