In an issue of The All-New Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Phantom Stranger summons all of the Robins, including Jason, Tim Drake, Carrie Kelley, Damian Wayne, Nightwing, and Stephanie Brown, to save Batman. For a time Natalia Knight, the criminal also known as Nocturna, Mistress of the Night is a stabilizing influence in his life; she becomes his surrogate mother and even adopts the young Todd. During the trip, Jason takes it upon himself to name the Monitor "Bob". Tim, named for Tim Burton, director of the new but not-yet-released Batman motion picture, was a bright kid whod been in the circus audience the night Dick Graysons parents died. But what sequence of events led to the killing of a boy wonder? Joker brutally beat Jason Todd to near death. Sheila and Jason try desperately to get out of the warehouse but are still inside as the bomb goes off. Slipping out a crowbar, he began to beat Jason with it, intending to kill the boy in order to prevent Jason . His choice of crowbars as a signature weapon - as revealed in Tom Taylor and Cian Tormey's Nightwing 2021 Annual #1- is reasonable. [34], Todd eventually kidnaps and holds Joker hostage, luring Batman to Crime Alley, the site of their first meeting. [60] The new team consists of Jason Todd as Red Hood, the disgraced Amazon warrior named Artemis, and the Superman clone called Bizarro. He smokes, swears, and fights authority. The image of Joker repeatedly beating Jason in Jim Starlin's 'Batman: A Death in the Family' remains disturbing to this day, and this likely explains why it's become the story's focal point, but this has also served to spread a misconception about his death that is so powerful, even Red Hood gets fact and fiction mixed up. Within the 36 hours allotted for voting, the poll received 10,614 votes. It is suggested by Dick Grayson that Todd was infuriated by Wayne's last words, a reaction that led him to become monstrous, murdering Batman in that same arc. When Jason actually died, or even in the alternate reality where he survived, Batman was obviously devastated, but he responded by following his standard procedures. He sneaks into the Batcave, and the first thing he sees as he boots up the bat-computers is Batman murdered. Wearing another version of his Robin costume, Todd quickly immobilizes the other Teen Titans and strikes Drake down in the Tower's Hall of Fallen Titans. The only outcome would have to be imprisonment or something worse. 2) #25-26, where Jason went solo after his team disappeared and the title was changed to Red Hood: Outlaw. [63] In addition to his prior skills (such as being a skilled gynmast and skilled detective), Jason is also considered an expert marksman with various firearms. [15][16], Before the release of Batman #617 (September 2003), a page of art from the issue by artist Jim Lee circulated on the Internet, apparently revealing the mystery villain Hush, who was the focus of Lee and writer Jeph Loeb's "Hush" storyline, as a resurrected Jason. They are successful, and Damian is resurrected, sharing a warm reunion with Jason and the family. Instead of tragic silence, the Caped Crusader exclaimed, Hes alive! In 1988, Robin died. Maybe hed have tried to get Dick Grayson to return, only to don the Robin costume himself to save his mentors lives. Scarlet flees Gotham, her mask finally falling from her face as she exits the city limits. [30] Jason also admits to Talia that he has already deduced that the reason she finances his training is to stall him from killing Batman, but he has no desire to kill his former mentor anymore. Bye bye Robin - bye bye Jason Todd. Published Sep 18, 2021 Jason Todd's murder by the Joker has been revisited in recent DC Comics stories, and he deserves more than to be defined by his most traumatic moment. [59], Following the conclusion of the first volume of Red Hood and the Outlaws, a new series starring Red Hood teaming up with Arsenal as heroes for hire began entitled Red Hood/Arsenal. In 1988, that's what fans did to Jason Todd. Subsequent portrayals commonly depict Todd as an orphaned street delinquent with a troubled past and a violent demeanor, whom Batman attempts to reform and mentor. Housed in DC Comics archive in Burbank, California, are four of those unfinished pages, which I was lucky enough to view on a visit in the summer of 2019. The team also includes Starfire and Roy Harper. For many years following his brutal execution, the Bat-Cave featured his Robin costume in a display case as a memorial to him. But what if Jason Todd had lived? Upon the resolution of the gang war in Gotham, Drake under a pseudonym visited Todd in prison to give him the Justice League access code to release himself from prison. O'Neil settled on using the poll to determine the fate of the second Robin. Dick tells Barbara that Jason was Bruce's favorite. The character was completely revamped. The sound that was made when the steel rod connected to the youth's body was sickening to hear. Around this time, Batman discovers that the empty coffin buried at Jason's gravesite is a replica of what he bought. Make the Joker more evil, make Jason suffer properly. Upon arriving, he enacts a plan to get revenge on Batman, whom he resents for refusing to kill the Joker and thus avenge his death.[1]. "[10], Despite the poll results, O'Neil noted, "We did the deed, and we got a blast of hate mail and a blast of negative commentary in the press. In the film's prologue, Jason - as Robin - meets his demise at the hands of the Joker. You can search for Published Jul 10, 2022 Jason Todd was killed by a bomb, but in the modern day, fans and even Red Hood himself believe Joker beat him to death with a crowbar. Dick raised the bar and ironically, Nightwing makes a harsh joke that Jason lowered the bar, or in his case, the crowbar, poking fun at how Joker beat him to death as he wasn't good enough. Canonical Character Death; Batman: A Death in the Family; The opposite of a fix-it; I actively make it worse; Jason Todd-centric; Protective Bruce Wayne; Jason Todd is Robin; for now anyway; what if the vote to kill Jason happened in the comics; The Author Regrets Nothing; Summary. After the character's resurrection, Jason's skills became more advanced and received more training (details depending on continuity); in modern stories, his training has included the mystical All-Caste order and the League of Assassins, having learned under premier instructors in the latter such as Bronze Tiger and Lady Shiva. Just beating him with a crowbar isn't like a form of absolutely violence they spoke about it later on as, in the three jokers, Jason said he cracked his skull with the crowbar, so I'm asking with all those gaps in the story , what EXACTLY happened?? Jason was trained by Bruce, and was his partner until his death at the hands of the Joker. "[5], In 1988, Dennis O'Neil suggested that an audience might be attracted to the comics by being offered the opportunity to influence the creative process. Hes appeared in movies, TV shows, and video games, while even his comic book self became the leader of his own team of antiheroes. When Jason Todd returned from the "dead" and took on the guise of the Red Hood (Joker's first identity), he eventually confronted Joker and. Alfred Pennyworth refers to Jason as wanting "to be redeemed" through his membership. His message goes on to plead that Todd gets psychiatric help, a notion that the latter rejects. The most controversial moment before his death occurred in Batman #424 when serial rapist Felipe Garzonas escapes the prosecution due to his father's diplomatic immunity. Warning: spoilers for Task Force Z #8 are ahead! [65], Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, which was published before "A Death in the Family", references Jason Todd. Between one agonised, gasping breath and the next, Jason was awake and staring up at a woman in a cave: his grandmother, Lavernai Pocolom, Roman Goddess of Thieves and Cheats, and Etruscan Goddess of the Underworld. Thank god!. "[12] However, DC stood behind the outcome of the poll. [21] Distinguished by his red hair, Todd is wearing various pieces of Dick Grayson's old childhood disguises as a costume to fight crime until Grayson presents him with a Robin costume of his own. newsletter. The full page reveals more, including the arrival of Dick Grayson to Jasons hospital room although a penciled note in the margins says to strike him, and redraw the panels in favor of having Alfred in the scene instead. Jason is forced to destroy the bodies of his teachers and friends. Throughout the earlier issues of the series, Jason appears as a mysterious, shadowed figure constantly spying on Batman and his allies. [1][35], Jason Todd resurfaces following the "One Year Later" period, patrolling the streets of New York City as a murderous version of Nightwing. When Tim Drake confronted him, a crowbar came into the mix. Jack reveals that Jason eventually broke from the torture and said "I wish I'd never met Bruce Wayne", and that Joker let Jason go free. Later, at Duela's funeral, Jason hides until all of the Teen Titans have left except Donna Troy. Jason Todd is one of DC Comics' most polarizing characters. One of his victims, a girl named Gloria, hangs herself amid the threat of a third rape from Felipe. [66] However, during DC's Rebirth, these abilities have seemingly disappeared for the most part.[64]. After a series of tests confirmed that it is Jason, Batman remains to keep his Robin costume in its memorial display case in the Batcave regardless; when Alfred Pennyworth asks if he wants the costume removed, Batman sadly replies that the return of Todd "doesn't change anything at all" because of wanting to remember Jason as he was when they first met and in guilt over how violent he has become. At that point, Todd dyes his hair black, and in later stories blossoms under Batman's tutelage. Despite his reckless nature, Dick chose Jason as his successor when he temporarily left S.H.I.E.L.D. Todd and Drake are confronted by another Red Robin in Robin (vol. During one of his special moves, he pummels his opponent with it multiple times, a direct reference to Jason Todd's death. On June 6, 2011,[19] as part of DC Comics' line-wide revamp initiative, it was announced that Jason Todd would headline his title in the guise of the Red Hood. Beaten within an inch of his life by the crowbar-wielding Joker , Red Hood survived only to be killed by a bomb the villain left behind. Joker beat Jason nearly to death with a crowbar in a warehouse in Ethiopia, then left him there to die with a bomb about to go off. Jason Todd's backstory is altered to resemble his post-Crisis meeting with Batman occurring while trying to steal tires from the Batmobile. Dick ordered Alfred to simply toss it in the river. Roy and Starfire are in a sexual relationship. [drops it into the truck] Joker : I can't believe you got him! A fight between Batman, Robin, and the Flamingo a foreign hitman hired by a Mexican cartel after Red Hood killed their operative in Gotham ends with Jason burying Flamingo in debris with a bulldozer. While fighting with each other, Tim makes the remark that, "The crowbars are a little bit morbid, no?" I've heard alot of different stories and endings , including rape. The story arc was a. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Grayson then comes to the rescue and refuses to believe Todd when he claims he has killed Drake (which he had not since current Robin Damian Wayne rescued Drake at the last moment). Jason, ever the scrapper, only made threats in response to this. "A Death in the Family" is a 1988 storyline in the American comic book Batman, published by DC Comics. He thought he could do what could never be done for him and 'make him whole'. Red Hood is right for clearing up details about his death, especially given the ways that his character has been defined byvictimhoodin some Joker-related stories. After this and his subsequent escape, he became the Red Hood. Jason then switches places with Clayface to observe Batman from afar. Though only lightly touched on, his resurrection is also simplified: he is resurrected with a Lazarus Pit by Talia al Ghul (as Infinite Crisis did not occur in this timeline). In the Alan Moore epic Superman Annual #11, "For the Man Who Has Everything", Batman and Todd join Wonder Woman at the Fortress of Solitude to celebrate Superman's birthday. Most of the votes were actually for Jimmy Olsen, who was given AIDS. She sets Jason on a mission to hunt down a group known as "The Untitled", telling him of people missing organs before death without any sign of removal, which is their calling card. In the first line of his postscript in the first collected edition of that story, Batman editor Denny ONeil protested his own culpability in Robins death with one quote, We didnt kill the Boy Wonder. If someone else wanted to tell another Jason story or bring him back and we at least opened the door, that's great! Joker brutally beat Jason Todd to near death. He debuted as the second sidekick of Batman, donning the mantle of Robin after Dick Grayson. agent's death, causing him to be dismissed from S.H.I.E.L.D. Sheila lives just long enough to tell Batman that Jason died trying to protect her. Except one guy hated Jason Todd (and the concept of Robin) so much that he voted for him every day (you were only supposed to vote once). "I heard it was one guy, who programmed his computer to dial the thumbs down number every ninety seconds for eight hours, who made the difference", O'Neil said in a Newsarama interview conducted alongside writer Judd Winick during the "Under The Hood" arc. Jason became the second Robin after Dick Grayson became Nightwing and Batman was in need of a new sidekick. Similar to his mainstream counterpart (Post-Crisis on Infinite Earths), this version of Jason was originally a young orphan living on the streets and met Batman while attempting to steal the Batmobile's tires. Upon being questioned by Talia al Ghul, Todd says it was not murder but rather that he "put down a reptile". Overall, he strives to take over Gotham's gangs, control their activities, and kill Joker in revenge for his death. Tim was Robin for 20 years, until he himself was usurped by Bruce Waynes biological son, Damian. Jason Todd was an orphan whose life had already been full of hardships before he met Bruce Wayne, who was the vigilante Batman. After he was resurrected, Jason learned Batman didn't avenge his death. [31] Shortly after the events of "War Games" and just before "War Crimes", Jason Todd reappears in Gotham City as the Red Hood. Or was he an annoying pest, unfit to wear the mantle that Dick Grayson had made so legendary? [4] Jason Todd was created as Dick Grayson's replacement as Robin. Austin's goal is to provide ScreenRant with detailed articles that showcase his research into obscure corners of the comics universe. He compromised his secret identity and was prepared to break his ultimate rule against an innocent civilian just to ensure Robins safety. It was released on June 15, 2016. "[13] O'Neil would later regret his comment.[14]. Fans were split on Jason, at least from what DC editorial could tell. When Batman allows Carrie Kelley to assume the mantle of Robin, Alfred Pennyworth objects, citing Todd as a reason. This second Monitor apologizes to Jason before they both disappear, leaving Jason alone with Duela's body. Despite feeling sorry for Jason, Dick left Jason to die again so he could continue the attack on the HYDRA base.[74]. Le guitariste d'AEROSMITH et de THE HOLLYWOOD VAMPIRES sera accompagn par le chanteur Gary Cherone (EXTREME), le bassiste Dave Hull, le claviriste Buck Johnson et le batteur Jason Sutter. The poll ended with a narrow majority of votes in favor of killing Todd, resulting in his death. By the time Len Wein took over as editor of DC Comics' Batman titles in 1982, Dick Grayson had largely moved on to starring as the leader of the young superhero team the Teen Titans in DC's New Teen Titans title. Subsequent stories dealt with Batman's guilt over failing to save him. To make the very concept of Batman obsolete, he puts a lot of effort into public relations: he drastically alters his Red Hood costume to look more like a traditional superhero outfit and recruits his sidekick Scarlet. The Joker beats Jason Todd with his crowbar, ultimately leaving him half-dead on the warehouse floor. Beaten within an inch of his life by the crowbar-wieldingJoker,Red Hoodsurvived only to be killed by a bomb the villain left behind. Jason kills the creature, strengthening his resolve. [49], Following the events of the "Flashpoint" storyline, the DC universe was relaunched, with Red Hood becoming the leader of the Outlaws in their series, part of the New 52 line of comics. The death of Jason Todd, also known as Red Hood, is one of the most dramatic moments in the history of DC Comics.As Batman's second Robin, Jason was killed by the Joker during the events of the 1988 Batman: A Death in the Family storyline from Jim Starlin, Jim Aparo, and Mike DeCarlo. [1][26] For years, Todd learns various skills from various masters, assassins, mercenaries, and aviators around the globe, including guns, poisons and antitoxins, martial arts, acrobatics, and bomb-making. Harley Quinn stopped him before he could kill Jason and called Batman for help, but by the time they arrived at the hideout where Jason had been held, the Joker had already left with him. 2) #177, whose identity is initially a mystery but later turns out to be Ulysses Armstrong. He was killed by the Joker and later revived by Ra's al Ghul's Lazarus Pit. Mia is deeply troubled by the discussion but ultimately decides to remain with Green Arrow. Please also read our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use, which became effective December 20, 2019. The verdict in favor of the character's death won by a slim 72-vote margin of 5,343 votes to 5,271. Red Hood and the Outlaws debuted in September 2011, written by Scott Lobdell and with art by Kenneth Rocafort. But Jasons death was not forgotten nor immediately overturned. However, Todd realizes that if he went through with it, his former mentor would never know about his return nor the identity of his killer. What I wanted to do here is put him in a place that he can't come back from. At first, Jason refuses to take orders from Nightwing or work with the other Robins, but Damian threatens him by telling him that he knows his fate and can make it happen sooner than expected, referencing his death in the comics. Jason Todd was not Batmans first experience with a dead Robin, but it was without a doubt his worst. A teaser image released to promote Countdown showed a figure resembling Red Robin among assembled heroes in poses symbolic of their roles in the series. Bruce eventually managed to track him down before his arrest and requested the GCPD appoint Jason as his guard to allow them to talk (though the issue ends before it's shown what they discuss.). A Robin-bearing mask is found in the Batmobile, which never belonged to Dick or Tim, but is of the style that Todd wore as Robin, suggesting that he'd been stalking Batman. He also learns that the man teaching him bomb-making is involved in a Russian mafia-backed deal meant to push the resources of British law-enforcement away from mob crime and onto Islamic extremist terrorism with a framed bombing plot. Bruce Wayne sees to it that Todd is placed in a school for troubled youths, which turns out to be Ma Gunn's School for Crime. Once the hired guns are subdued they reveal their employer has captured Scarlet, Jason's former sidekick. As Hush, Riddler, and Jason collaborate, Jason initially confronts Batman at his gravesite. They also interrogated Joker's henchmen who were with him during Todd's murder, in hopes to find out how the boy could have survived. He wasnt resurrected until 2005, when he took his revenge on the Joker and swore to carry on Batmans quest against crime, but now as the murderous Red Hood. [Jason activates a bomb] Joker : [holds down Batman] No! She also hires the same carpenters who built Jason's casket and had them build a replica of it (the original was destroyed and beyond repair after Jason emerged from it). [58] He subsequently learns of his history from Starfire's computer, which states Red Hood has made 83 confirmed kills. Next: Red Hood Admits The Real Reason He Traded Guns For A Crowbar. Upon meeting another man who had previously been brought back by the Lazarus Pit and had turned into a Minotaur, he realizes a similar fate will befall him the longer he stays alive. Batman #426 - Death in the Family Batman #427 Batman #428 Batman #429. not only is Jason Todd a badass superhuman that took over 20-30 shots to the head with a crowbar and not only didn't suffer a cave in of his head but was still reasonably okay but also nearly survived an explosion that destroyed an entire warehouse, with his body intact and not in ashes or pieces. The son of Catherine and Willis Todd, Jason lives on the east end of Gotham City in the Park Row district called Crime Alley. Sometime after Dick Grayson left Batman's side and became Nightwing, Jason Todd became the second Robin after Batman found him attempting to steal the wheels from the Batmobile. Despite this, the moment gets such little focus, it's often treated as if it didn't happen. Red Hood : Yes, we have. The Death of Jason Todd By: Katie Trillion. Jason spares Joker and decides to wait for the right opportunity. After successfully capturing Joker (who fails to recognize him due to being older), Jason contemplates burning his killer alive after dousing him with gasoline. [19] The series focused on Jason Todd's redemption and introduced a simplified version of his origin story as the Red Hood in Red Hood and the Outlaws #0, a special prequel issue between #12 and #13. To top it off, Essence shows that the order of the All Caste, the people most qualified to handle the situation, have been slaughtered, leaving her and Jason as the only known survivors. He then began strangling Dick, but before he could kill him Colonel Nick Fury and Sergeant Joe Rock commandeered an aircraft and shot Deathlok several times in the back. Joker : [finally ignites the lighter] Well, here's to warm memories! Jason Todd made his live-action debut in the DC Universe and HBO Max series Titans, played by Curran Walters; he appears as Robin in the first two seasons, and as Red Hood in the third season. He "defeated his archenemy". He is also well known for his tragic and violent death. He also believes that if he doesn't help the boy, Todd will eventually become part of the "criminal element". The Joker, on the other hand, would occasionally remind Batman of this loss to torment him. [64][65] It is also expressed that due to his resurrection at the hands of the Lazarus Pit, the character possesses a few magical abilities. After she initiated a takeover of Kord Industries for him, Talia gifts Jason the flame dagger (a replica of the one Ra's al Ghul often carried) and the red motorcycle-helmet based hood which become his signature weapon and mask.[1][30]. Winick explained that after his initial arc on the Batman title, he suggested doing "something big" to his editors. With the details of his death now cleared up, hopefullyRed Hoodwill continue to subvert his family and readers' expectations in a way that only Jason Todd can. Batwoman told Huntress of his story in an attempt to convince her not to risk her life so often through rebellion. In this version, we're going to make the scene longer. After a storyline in Nightwing as part of the One Year Later event where Todd took the mantle of Nightwing for himself, the character reappeared in his Red Hood persona as one of the focal characters of DC's year-long weekly Countdown series starting in May 2007. Batman arrives too late to save them and finds Jason's lifeless body in the rubble. [72], In this alternate timeline, there appeared a version of Jason. Todd instead decides to kill Batman directly by traveling across the globe in search of a similar, but the deadlier type of training to Bruce Wayne's own to prepare for that day. Killing him with the crowbar, bombing the asylum. Using the money from Talia and infuriated by her statement that he "remains unavenged", Todd paid a group of mercenaries to help him return to Gotham. He then proceeds to fall back into his hero persona, ranting how he did what Batman never did. In an interview for the Infinite Crisis hardcover, Jeanine Schaefer states that Geoff Johns had planned to reveal the second Red Hood as the Jason Todd of the Earth-Two universe. Confirms Batman V Superman's Dead Robin Is Jason Todd", "Warner Bros. Plotting Live-Action 'Nightwing' Movie With 'Lego Batman Movie' Director (Exclusive)", "Justice League director Zack Snyder seemingly reveals his unused plans for Robin in the DCEU", "COUNTDOWN TO NOV 11: Let the punishment fit the crime. Faking his death, even tho I'm sure he died. Comic-book lore is malleable and ever-changing, but this detail in particular is at the core of what Jason Todd's death says about his character. Jason was shown to have fought alongside . Afterward, he swore allegiance to her. And Damian is resurrected, sharing a warm reunion with Jason and the family to,. 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