Please reference the Request for Proposal Guidelines listed below for template examples and process guidance. substantial consideration given for qualitative factors during the selection of vendors. Because of where you work, you and your family get exclusive offers with T-Mobile Work Perks. WebDirector, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment New York, New York, United States. WebOur M.A. 2.20 Each Task Order Agreement Vendor will be provided ongoing opportunities to bid on work consistent with their financial limit, availability and as established by their qualification profile. Procurement Procedures: Orders should be placed through the punchout. delivery schedule, freight costs, return policies, warranties, etc.) This senior officer is acknowledging their support of the exception request and through their signature is attesting that the request is appropriate and complies with the policy. Columbia University in the City of New York does require GPA. GF-2023-B-0010 | Drawings | Specifications | Attachments. Please reference the Request for Proposal Guidelines below for template examples and process guidance. Learn about Using the P-Card (Reconciling and Approving Transactions), View Payment Status and Remittance Information, Columbia University in the City of New York, Sponsored Projects: Post-Award Financial Administration, Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Investing, EVP of Finance and Information Technology, University-Wide Purchasing Agreements (UwPA), Services, Software, and Consultant Agreements, Technology, Travel, and Business ProductsSourcing, Reset Supplier Request Password or Resend Questionaire, Using the P-Card (Reconciling and Approving Transactions), P-Card Hard Close and Monthly Audit Process, Using the Travel and Expense Corporate Card, Requests for Proposals and Notice to Bidders, Reimbursement Request for a Travel or Business Expense, International Wire Transfer Payment Request, Track Voucher Statusor Submit Documentation, Payments and Disbursementsby Wire Transfer, 1042 Tax Withholding for Nonresident Alien Individuals, 1099 Tax Withholding for Non-Employee Compensation. 1.53 Columbia University employees in any department requesting or managing work are to disclose any relationship to vendors as stated above. We work to foster the continuation of those creative endeavors and to promote an environment that sustains the highest standards of scholarship, learning, and safety. Moreover, OMB Circular A-110 .48 requires the University to include additional provisions in contracts when certaincircumstances are met. If the contract is awarded on the basis of a single submitted bid, i.e., without negotiation, a justification of the price as fair and reasonable must be documented. 6.10 The Recommendation to Award work or a contract should be made by the responsible Project Manager and include a copy of the Bid Summary, and any supporting documents that might be required. Task Order Vendors will be selected on a continuing competitive basis justified by comparison of their hourly rates, unit prices, multipliers, insurability, financial strength, history of work and claims, safety record, quality, specialty and any other relevant attributes specific to their professional category and doing business with the University. Procurement Servicesis responsible for the sourcing, purchase, and payment of goods and services for the University. WebPresident Bollinger announced that Columbia University along with many other academic institutions (sixteen, including all Ivy League universities) filed an amicus brief in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York challenging the Executive Order regarding immigrants from seven designated countries and refugees. If necessary, we will conduct an electrical evaluation to determine the appropriate size heater. A performance bond on the part of the contractor for 100 percent of the contract price. Identification of qualified suppliers is a key component of the RFP process to ensure that there is competitiveness as well as a determination of the supplier's capacity to perform in accordance with their proposal submission. The cost/price analysis should be submitted with the Sole Source Justification Form. When the value of the goods or services sponsored award purchased is over $25,000, the Sole/Single Source Justification Form must also be signed by a Senior Business Officer. 11.10 Facilities Project Managers responsible for work will complete a Vendor Report card on a quarterly basis for all vendors utilized and submit it to Purchasing. Since its founding in 1754, the University has been committed to creating and maintaining facilities that are of the highest quality and value. 4.41 A reasonable amount of time shall be afforded to the prospective bidders. If a bid is extended, a Vice President level officer or designee must provide a written approval of any additions to the bid list. This would also include the unit cost, extended cost, and other associated costs such as delivery costs. 2.25.1. For all bids estimated to result in projects $100,000 or greater, the Facilities Departments will notify Purchasing so that a Purchasing representative can be present at the bid opening. Learn How to Modify Vendor / Payee Profiles, Request a New Columbia Facilities Supplier / Payee, Columbia University in the City of New York, Sponsored Projects: Post-Award Financial Administration, Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Investing, EVP of Finance and Information Technology. RFI/Supplier Pre-Qualification an RFI (Request for Information) method is generally used during an RFP process to collect information about suppliers in determining a suppliers capabilities and if they are able to meet the requirements of the bid process. The "bid guarantee" shall consist of a firm commitment such as a bid bond, certified check, or other negotiable instrument accompanying a bid as assurance that the bidder shall, upon acceptance of his bid, execute such contractual documents as may be required within the time specified. 1.38 Vendor Qualification Committee meetings for vendor qualification will occur on a quarterly basis or as needed to meet the Facilities Groups requirements. Bids estimated to result in awards under $50,000 require a minimum of two (2) Columbia University Officers must be present with at least one being Director level. 2.43.1 All service, general contracting and construction management firms who work for Columbia University, where the value of an award is One hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) or greater and for which they will utilize sub contractors, will be required to uphold the Universitys Minority, Women and Local targets as established by the Vendor Qualification Committee to the extent possible. 1 South Park Circle Unit: Building #1 Suite: 501 Charleston, SC 29407. at 2 C.F.R. This form provides a record of the selection process. If all factors are equal (i.e. 1.36 There will be a periodic review as determined by the Vendor Qualification Committee to assess projected demand for qualified vendors defined by trade and specialty where the need for additional vendors will be reviewed. 1.17 Utilization of vendors prior to qualification will result in non-compliance with CU Purchasing Policy and each such instance will be reviewed by Purchasing and the Vendor Qualification Committee for appropriate action. WebColumbia awards more than $204 million annually in scholarships and grants from all sources. To order Staples office supplies, McKesson medical/surgical supplies, or Fisher Scientific research supplies, please use the following links: Are you new to buying and paying at Columbia University? WebColumbia University Irving Medical Center Hospitals and Health Care New York, New York 51,794 followers Leading the way in scientific research, health and medical education, and patient care. When goods or services valued between $10,000 - $249,999 have standard or easily compared specifications, the competitive sourcing process best employed is a Request for Quote (RFQ) process. 1.41 Firms that act in violation of the term of their contract, Columbia University policy or guidelines and / or outside the guidelines of the Purchasing and Facility departments can be terminated or suspended from participation in any University work for a time frame to be determined by Purchasing and the Vendor Qualification Committee. 3.50 All bidders who are not listed as Qualified or Task Order Agreement Vendors must be reviewed and approved by the funding department AVP where applicable and the Facilities department AVP or higher regardless of the dollar value and group review requirements. The rationale for the award decision must be well documented. Acceptable forms of documentation include: When the value of the goods or services of a non-sponsored purchase is over $25,000, the Sole/Single Source Justification Form must also be signed by a Senior Business Officer. For construction, operations, and maintenance projects (see full list in sidebar), email [emailprotected]. Acceptable forms of documentation include: As, by definition in a non-competitive procurement there is no direct price competition, if possible a cost or price analysis based on a breakdown of costs should be performed for all contracts in excess of $250,000 to determine if the estimated cost is reasonable prior to awarding the contract. Failure to comply with the Universitys Conflict of Interest policy may lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination in accordance with applicable University policy. In addition, upholding confidentiality of bids/quotations/proposals ensures that no vendor is given an unfair advantage in submitting bids; and no vendor is negatively impacted by disclosure of information. 1.45 The status of suspended and terminated firms will be reported to the Vendor Qualification Committee. clearly specify the procedure for returning bids. All information and correspondence should be documented in writing and maintained in the contract file. The University has approved a limited set of criteria for sole/single-source procurement, and the justification must meet at least one of those criteria. The completed form must be signed and submitted to Purchasing along with any other required documentation without the completion of the Sole/Single Source Justification, the Purchasing Department will not process the requisition. Normal processing time in Vendor Management is ~5 business days (depending on external business disruptions). 9.10 The Project Manager will input the information into the appropriate University system (i.e. WebThe Columbia Facilities and Operations-led CU Grow Vendor Development Program, designed to help minority-, women- and locally owned (MWL) vendors grow their businesses, graduated its sixth cohort during a ceremony at Faculty House on December 12 the first in person graduation since the beginning of the pandemic. WebThe mission of the Supply Chain Shared Service Center is to support the educational, research, and patient care missions of the Johns Hopkins Institutions by providing effective and efficient supply chain management services in a customer focused manner. When procuring construction-related activities and the cost exceeds $250,000 the required competitive sourcing process is the Sealed Bid Proposal process. The typical work week is Monday thru Friday 8:00 am- 5:00 pm. This policy ensures that confidential information is safeguarded and prevents any potential conflict. December 13, 2022 Specifically, OCP supports the university by: Addressing all contracting and procurement needs. Numerous FAR contract clauses and FAR certifications may be required for such a purchase. Quantities and unit pricing will be audited post award utilizing the Vendors and the Facility Management Groups documentation which will be forwarded to Purchasing for issuance of a purchase order. 4.62 In no case shall one or more bidders be provided with information that will give them a competitive advantage over the other bidders. Rebids are not required to re-issue information that has not changed but should state that original information is valid where appropriate. If you are a vendor and need to obtain information as to the status of a payment of or for viewing the remittance information for a specific check and/or ACH/Wire transfer, please use theAP Payment Status & Remittance Form. 3.90 A summary report of bidding and work that deviates from the policy will be generated by Purchasing and made to the Vendor Qualification Committee for their review and consideration. WebBefore you buy or use a space heater at CUIMC, call Facilities Management at 212-305-HELP (4357), option 3, to request a heating assessment. For the RFQ process, a contract award must be based on the provision by the suppliers of the specified products or services. Are you doing work on campus? When goods or services have standard or easily compared specifications and pricing is the main component, the competitive sourcing process best employed is a Request for Quote (RFQ) process. If a Task Order vendor is not used, the work must be bid. For the purchase of goods and/or services whose aggregate dollar threshold does not exceed the $10,000 competitive sourcing threshold, multiple quotes are not required but the customer should seek to ensure that the price obtained for the good or service is considered to be fair and reasonable. The Director will be responsible for verifying that the bid list conforms to the selection criteria and approve the list. (See Section. WebICAP at Columbia University, a global health leader situated within the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health in New York City, seeks the services of a Finance and Administration Director in Zimbabwe. 3.10 For all contracts a list of prospective bidders shall be prepared in advance of a transmittal of an Invitation to Bid, in accordance with the following schedule of minimum requirements: 3.11.1 Work less than or equal to $5,000.00 can be awarded to Task Order Agreement Vendors without a written proposal or bidding. We are also responsible for negotiating and signing most consultant'scontracts and other service agreements; processing employee expense reimbursements, prize & award payments made by the University; and maintenance of the University vendor/payee database that supports procurement transactions. Analysis of pricing information provided by the vendor. It is important that when comparing prices to determine fair and reasonable pricing that the evaluation of the goods and services must be evaluated using the same criteria for each supplier. A copy of the Competitive Sourcing Price Summary - Sponsored document is available through the link below. 5.10 A Bid Summary Form shall be used, after opening the bids, to list the vendors, their bids and any alternates. 2.26 Project Managers and Directors will make every effort to avoid awarding work to any vendor so that Columbia University constitute an amount of work which is larger than prudent, from the perspective of the University, in proportion to their total volume of work for a given year with all customers including Columbia University. The University of Missouri (MU) System invites artists to apply for public art projects for its Roy Blunt NextGen Precision Health Building. 1.14 Vendor Qualification will establish the vendor with CUs procurement and accounts payable systems for contracts, payment and tracking. For the RFQ process a contract award must be based on the provision by the suppliers of the specified products or services. Facilities Management's Office of Design and Construction, and the Office of Institutional Real Estate on the Morningside Campus, or the Office of Facilities, Medical Center Division, develop technical specifications; prepare and assemble all bid and contract documents; conduct contract negotiations, qualification and evaluation meetings; manages bid/proposal solicitations, receipts, and openings; and manage post award contract administration including negotiation of amendments and supplemental agreements. 1.25 Task Order Agreement Contract Terms and Conditions will be specifically for work under $20,000 for individual trades and $50,000 for general contractors on a per project basis. 1.21 Task Order Agreement Vendors will be chosen from the qualified list of vendors that have performed successfully with the University on individual jobs and who can sustain a regular volume of work and maintain service, quality and cost effectiveness. Comparison with competitive published price lists, market prices of commodities, similar indexes, and discount or rebate arrangement. WebVendors Members of the Columbia University Facilities and Operations team work with a wide variety of vendors covering construction, maintenance and other industries, WebColumbia University SAT Requirements Many schools say they have no SAT score cutoff, but the truth is that there is a hidden SAT requirement. To view the full job description, please click link Finance and WebColumbia University School of Professional Studies Career Design Lab Facebook LinkedIn Instagram 729 7th Avenue, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10019 (212) 854-1102 Main: 843-792-4521. 1.33 Facilities Groups will provide the vendor qualification requirements related to work and professional services to be performed as well as suggest vendors for qualification. 4.10.2 Rebids should follow the same procedures as the original bid. Areas for opportunities in construction and facilities services, Columbia University in the City of New York, Minority-, Women- and Locally-owned Business Enterprises, What you need to know about working with Facilities and Operations, Columbia University Construction Procurement and Purchasing, Learn more about unique opportunities at Columbia, Facilities Services Center - 212-854-2222. GF-2023-R-0009 | For non-catalog orders, please contact your LDP representative to receive a quote number. Purchasing The Purchasing Department Prior approval must be obtained from the professor or The total dollars awarded to date will be provided based on purchase orders written for the same time period. Allowance shall be made for the time interval to transmit document, estimate, complexity of job, multiple trade, apparatus/equipment specified and return of bid. ( Archived solicitations) Dr. EB Henderson Sports Complex (Bldg. 1.34 Purchasing will interface with the vendors, risk management and General Council to establish and maintain the qualification requirements and to meet the ongoing needs of the Facilities groups. Using the P-Card to make purchases and provide payment is cost-effective for the University as it allows departments to: ARC is the consolidated Finance system for Columbia University and includes components for Purchasing, Accounts Payable, P-Card, and Vendor Profiles. (include previous Purchase Order number used). The above bulleted section applies solely when a direct expenditure of Federal funds is involved. Residents must keep all furnishings in their room, including bed frames and mattresses. 5.20 At the Bid Opening (also reference PA001-02 Facilities Policy): 5.30 In situations where an architectural, engineering or other consultant firm was engaged to administer the bid process, sections 5.10 and 5.20 a-c still apply, and in addition, the bid summary must be co-signed by a senior member of the consulting firm. Columbia University in the City of New York, Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (EOAA). University Review The bid lists will be evaluated, modified and approved. This method is most often used to contract for professional, consulting, and architect/engineering (A/E) services as well. WebSavings for Employees of Columbia University. A copy of the Competitive Sourcing Price Summary - Non Sponsored form is available through this link below. Learn more about how we work with vendors. program are considered for the Fall term only. Once approved and issueda vendorID, a vendor can now transact business withColumbia University. Once a proposal has been selected, it is mandatory to complete a Bid Summary Sheet to attach to the requisition as supporting documentation. provide a competitive advantage to one or more of the prospective bidder over the other, clarifying specifications and other provisions. Skire), and prepare a requisition as is required. The following represents the competitive sourcing process employed by the University for those goods and services that are directly funded by a sponsored funding source. 1.42 Termination of Task Order Agreement Vendors may occur by the suspension of work until the expiration of their contract. RFI/Supplier Pre-Qualification an RFI (Request for Information) method is generally used during an RFP process to collect information about suppliers in determining a supplier's capabilities and if they are able to meet the requirements of the bid process. (212) 854-1540[emailprotected], Hugh A. Horowitz Schools and departments are requested to consider the acquisition of vehicles that afford the highest degree of sustainability. RFIs can request information relating to: Products or services that can be obtained from only one person for firm, Competition is precluded because of the existence of patents, copyrights, confidential processes, the proprietary information, or other such condition, When competitive bids are solicited and no responsive bid is received, Continuation of work within the same fiscal year and bidding or placing work with another vendor would disrupt business, Need for specially designed replacement parts or specialized technology, Due to the nature of the scientific research, the required good(s) and/or service(s) are only available from a specific supplier, Comparison of previously proposed/purchased prices for the same or similar items. Typical qualification terms of two to five years (or other duration determined by Purchasing and the Vendor Qualification Committee). WebProcurement Services. Competitive Bidding Procurement of consultants for construction related services will be governed by the universitys consultant policy. 4.61 In some situations it may be necessary to provide additional information to all prospective bidders during the bid interval prior to the opening of bids. The Purchasing Department works directly with the various schools and departments to identify sourcing opportunities and strategies that meet their respective operational and financial goals. 2.12 No payments should be made to any vendor until the qualification questionnaire is completed and approved and the vendor is established in the system. Competitive procurement requirements are dependent on the size of the purchase as well as the source of funds used to make the purchase. 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