Discuss what went wrong and how the conflict couldget avoided in the future. Group Sports mixetto / E+ via Getty Images Heroes | 9. 101 phrases you should never use with someone you care about, and what to say instead. You'll Need: 2 different colour pens for each participant (to complete the handout). Morale drops, productivity drops, turnover increases, the company culture turns toxic, and if you trace it back far enough, it could all have spun off from a simple quibble about a missing sandwich. Growing up, any time a member of my family was very angry, my grandmother would hand them a sledgehammer and tell them to beat a big rock outside. After the allotted time is up, have one person from each group, say aloud to the class, what their definition and positives and negatives were, that they listed. 5. As such, what a great way to get people to listen actively, consider why people don't always 'get-it' first time, stops them tutting at each other, and maybe (just maybe) helps to improve communication by considering the ears half of the equation. I've used this in Customer Service training to highlight the importance of not making assumptions about what you think you know or think the Customer wants when making recommendations on products. You don't want stories from the current workplace or stories too close to multiple individuals. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 20 minutes for completion. Place the issue in a circle at the center of the board. This is a great little exercise that really demonstrates to the delegates how readily assumptions are made and how guilty of it they are. Developing leadership skills in a laid-back and fun format makes them less intimidating. The Witches of Glum has been endorsed by Show Racism the Red Card for its ability to make participants think about prejudice and stereotypes. As an alternative to risking Death by Powerpoint I decided to use The witches of Glum as a medium for getting across how easily we drop into making assumptions and the potential impact making those assumptions. No one knows how much the activity leader contributed either. Closed questions are those that require just a yes or no answer. We tend to train somewhat cynical engineers who really take a lot of engaging in order to deliver any Soft Skills. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Each group will start its own pot of money. Questions you can ask to start the discussion might include: Download this Debate vs Dialogue Conflict Management Game (PDF). Group Size:Suitable for use with groups of almost any size. Excellent!!! Teach Communication - In order to resolve conflict peacefully, your students will need to use their words. Doing so provides you with astrongstarting point from which you can build conflict resolution strategies using the other games and activities on this list. Carries Conundrum - Are Difficult Conversations Necessary? While we often suggest playing this game with real money, you can take some sort of play money to use instead. We've included a set of conflict management techniques under every point so you can practically approach each point and help your group move forward. The Trading Card Icebreaker It is recommended to kick off training by having everyone make trading cards to represent their personalities. The aim of the dialogue is to reach mutual understanding while valuing the strengths of the other persons position. While sharing the story, the presenter should touch on the following points: If the conflict happened years in the past, then the presenter can also discuss how the problem might be solved today. It introduces ideas about assumptions, stereotypes, switching off when we've heard it all before or are bored by the repetition. Many thanks for another great activity. Comments must be approved before appearing. There's more to it, though. Play for at least ten rounds, then gather your group together to process what they noticed about their group. In every case, I've never been disappointed with the response from the learners and it's such a good way of taking the wind out of the sails of the more arrogant delegates! Conflict Management Icebreakers Who Are You In a Conflict? Remote/Virtual Delivery:There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers Library. Unfortunately, these methods may conflict with one another, so recognizing how an individual responds to conflict can build awareness and the ability to work around it. Some examples: "The king could no longer walk". It really gets the message across well. What I particularly like about this exercise is that it can be adapted to use in a variety of different sessions. One participant remarked afterwards: "I have just realised what a dreadful listener I am", which was a great learning point for all. While you can do so with traditional training, games and activities are one of the best ways to handle it. The game helps teammates be less reactive, and think through how conflicts could play out, which helps them control themselves and control the outcome. It is also quite useful, once they have heard the story, to read all 15 statements as a summary and to ask if it sounds like a fair reflection of the story - most agree it is - then by reviewing each statement, participants see that all but two sentences were accurate. It is, after all, fake money and no one is going to lose anything at the end of the day! Not much preparation needed yet so effective. I have used it in communication courses, management programmes and Diversity sessions. Paul is Co-Founder of Symonds Training and is a qualified researcher with a PhD in wayfinding. You'll Need: A printed copy of the large (A3) Trainer version of the Word Search grid provided, affixed to a flipchart. So the pair will have 4 words at the end. Search Our Network Of Business and Personal Development Sites. Time:This exercise will take about 15 minutes to run. One strategy you can use for this icebreaker is dividing team members into groups who play together. Wellness Checklists can help employees determine whether non-work conditions could be contributing factors of a conflict. People around the world are working more than ever< . I've used it with new recruits to customer service teams and with senior managers in a local council. Split up into groups and nominate a leader for each group. })(); Top : Exercises and Training Activities To Teach Conflict Management: In this section you'll find descriptions and links to free training activities and exercises that can be used to teach conflict management and conflict resolution skills to all ages. I really liked the audio file, the story was familiar but different enough to be interesting and it made a change than listening to the trainers voice. Each pair will pair up with another pair and the process goes on again. 1. Training tools for developing great people skills. Each team member has a pen and a piece of paper. At least 50% of the delegates get less that 50% of the statements right each time we run the session perfectly illustrating the learning point. Get-to-know-you questions | 5. Ive since trialled your Witches of Glum on a group of B1-C1 level participants (Italian professionals, from the same company). Group Size:This module can be used with groups of up to 25 participants. Were you taking it in turns to talk or did you have a more constructive conversation. Teach Choice - Children need more than one strategy to solve a conflict independently. Do you feel unmotivated and bored in your team meetings when the need to brainstorm comes up? var gcse = document.createElement('script'); You'll Need: Pens and paper for every participant. The audio recording of the story, which can be streamed from Trainers Library if you prefer not to read it aloud yourself. Group Size:This module can be used with groups of up to 24 participants. You'll Need: A piece of string/rope that is approximately 4 metres long. Check out our mini-guide on how to fight fair, and stop letting badly handled conflict cause pain in your relationships. How challenging did you find this activity? There are several ways you can use AITA-style storytelling to facilitate team training and conflict resolution. House on fire | 6. Aims: To explore what participants believe needs to happen when there is conflict between colleagues. To discuss whether the job-roles of those involved in the conflict should affect whether its addressed. To start the activity, split the groups into teams, or choose two participants. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 15 minutes for completion. Most unique | 3. Time:This exercise will take about 10 minutes to complete. Google+ I have used this exercise many times as part of communication skills modules on leadership development programmes. However, some of the statements are ambiguous and biased towards eliciting an incorrect "true" answer. Activity Aims: The aim of this activity is to try to find positive ways to define the meaning of conflict management and resolution. You should also be cautious if you pickactual AITA posts. Successful eyeopener about the danger of making assumptions. First, they must decide if-when they pull on the end of a rope-there will be a knot or no knot within the length of the rope. Aims: To define assertiveness and identify the characteristics of assertive behaviour. To identify situations where participants find it difficult to be assertive. The goal of this exercise is to demonstrate that everyone has had times where they've been wrong or unreasonable and how they've handled conflict in the real world. Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses. The problem with stereotyping also arose - which led into discussion about issues with stereo-typing internal and external clients. Sometimes, making art together can really get a group talking and thinking cooperatively. Thus, you can promote appropriate means of handling conflict. Vet the stories you use before you use them. gcse.src = 'https://cse.google.com/cse.js?cx=' + cx; There were some real light bulb moments for delegates with this. Lay out 5 items criss . Aims: To test listening skills. To illustrate the dangers of making assumptions. To encourage participants to think about how they can check their understanding of information they receive. Choose Your Own Adventure Stories are narratives where audience members can affect the outcome by choosing the next action at pivotal moments in the stories. Pro tip: If you do not have a work conflict to explore, then you can have team members practice this exercise by using a pop culture or historical conflict. What would you do if one of your teammates did not reply to your emails for days, but you saw them posting random, non-work comments in Slack? Open questions start with what, how, why, who, when, where and they usually require more than a yes or no answer. For instance, You heard, Youre too slow at your job,, I meant, Im stressed out about being able to get my bosses the data they asked for on time.. Interpersonal Skills: Lesson Plans & Activities, Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, The Elements of Trust & Their Significance to Relationships, Healthy Communication Skills for Romantic Relationships, Conflict Resolution Skills: Lesson for Kids, Conflict Resolution Activities for College Students, Conflict Resolution Activities for Middle School, Relationship Conflict Resolution Activities, Role-Play Exercises for Conflict Resolution, Importance of Peer Relationships in Early Childhood, Building & Promoting Positive Peer Relationships in the Classroom, Divorce Lesson Plan for Elementary School, Conflict Resolution Activities for the Workplace, Conflict Resolution Activities for Adults, Healthy Relationships Lesson Plan for Middle School, ILTS Special Education General Curriculum Test (163): Practice & Study Guide, MTTC Physical or Other Health Impairment (058) Prep, Social & Emotional Development Lesson Plans & Activities, History, Culture & People of the Americas, GACE Special Education Reading, ELA & Social Studies (087) Prep, FTCE Preschool Education Birth-Age 4 (007): Practice & Study Guide, FTCE Prekindergarten/Primary PK-3 (053): Practice & Study Guide, U.S. Supreme Court Cases: Study Guide & Review, GACE Special Education Adapted Curriculum (583) Prep, CSET Physical Education Subtest III (131): Practice & Study Guide, CSET Physical Education Subtest II (130): Practice & Study Guide, Innovative Thinking & Risk Taking in a School Community, Celebrating Contributions within a School Community, Creating Budgets with Stakeholders in Education, Using Time Management & Planning to Reach District & School Goals, Utilizing Technology & Information Systems to Improve School Management, TExES Principal as Instructional Leader Exam Essay Topics & Rubric, Differences in Values & Their Effect on Behavior, The Impact of Age on Behaviors, Attitudes & Identity, Addiction Theories: Overview & Implications, Psychosocial Stress: Definition, Indicators & Impact, Involving Clients in Problem Identification in Social Work, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. For me though, stonewalling seems to conjure up a stronger image of obstruction and uncooperativeness. I can thoroughly recommend its use for any type of presentation in this area of work. Here's how it works. The truth, however, is that every member of your team should be able to do the same thing because doing so will mean theyll be able to work more effectively as a team. Defusing Angry Customers Everyone should be able to work from home as many days as they like, Companies should offer unlimited holidays to everyone. Twitter The story is, of course, Assumptions The Witches of Glum. 1. What a lovely exercise. Group Size:This module can be used with groups of up to 20 participants. 4. Have the same debrief as before. Guest Contributions - Conflict Management and Conflict Resolution, How Fighting Dirty At Work Can Be A Career Stopper. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. AITA is short for "Am I The A**hole?". When it came time to read the story of Goldilocks it at first raised a few smurks and frowns, however it went down well. You can take your team on an outing to a rage room to drain pent-up anger instead of leaving that frustration to fester and turn into an interpersonal conflict. Statements might include: To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. What Would You Do? Communication is vital to conflict resolution, so teach them how to talk about the issue and come to a mutually beneficial solution. Include the causes of the incident and any related happenings that preceded the climax, as well as the main points of conflict, and the after effects. Fun is guaranteed! This activity is great to disarm all participates from a we know it already stance to actually join in and actively participating. Copyright 2008 - 2023 SymondsResearch.com is a part of ProMarketingOnline Ltd. Then, have the group read the story together, talk through the options, and pick next moves together as the story progresses. Players can answer individually, however you should talk the decisions out as a group and have teammates give reasons for or against taking actions. The trainers notes are very well laid out and it is what all exercises should be, simple and yet effective. As in, "You heard 'you're working too slow,' but I meant 'I need to know a timeline so I can plan the rest of my day.'". Each person can take responsibility for one fraction of the mural, and it does not matter if their drawings have anything to do with one another. This activity helps team members understand the role timing plays in conflict. Use it for both Health and Safety training and also on the PTLLS course I run. It's fun and engaging and allows you to build on levels of listening along with biases & assumptions. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 25 minutes for completion. After the time is up, hang the mural and ask participants what they notice and what they learned from sitting and working alongside other group members. The following two tabs change content below. The powerful exercise brings to life how easy it is to make stereotypes and then generates powerful discussion around how this happens in the workplace and the impact it has. You'll Need: A single apple (or other type of fruit) for your participants to see. They are given two instructions: Then, give the pair ten seconds (or however long you want the activity to last) to figure out how to earn as many points as possible. It never fails to entertain the delegates, but always ticks the boxes for active listening as well as assumptions training. Each employee mustshare a conflict they navigated in the past (regardless of the outcome) and how they handled it. Home Images Library Videos Library; Technology; . Time:This exercise will take about 10 minutes to complete. In this activity, teams map out the development of an issue. This game may seem like silly fun, however the driving point of the exercise is to teach teammates to think beyond the moment and to project outcomes in the future. Dizzy Debates are perspective exercises. What would you do if your boss took credit for your work during a meeting? Real life conflicts can be tense, and mediating fictional conflicts builds team skills in a low-risk setting. You'll Need: Nothing other than the materials provided. Mmm really! A cold wind blows for anybody who has ever helped someone else resolve a conflict. Aims: To introduce different styles of information gathering. To understand that we all have a different viewpoint or perspective. Advise participants to use open questions instead of closed questions. Give it a go, youll love the results! 3. Team building content expert. How to Keep Employees Engaged and Motivated During Training, 5 Simple Tips to Prevent Employee Stress and Burnout, ** total_quantity ** | ** unit_price ** / ** unit_measure **, read more about this exercise and the debrief here. Person A will argue for the motion. Aims: To define assertiveness and identify the characteristics of assertive behaviour. How could you use open questions during a conflict? So, they cannot change the topic. Great to use for management programs and communication or for teambuilding. The activities and assessments above all help do this in various ways. I would probably give the activity a 4.5. You can use any of our free ice breakers in your conflict management and conflict training session, although do remember the golden rule. Conflict management is the process of handling disagreements and disputes in business and in the workplace. The Workplace World This lesson provides ice breakers that get your group ready for conflict management. This simple activity requires one prop: a colorful, distracting rope. Aims: To welcome the participants. To introduce the facilitator(s) and participants to each other. To introduce the facilities. To agree the course objectives and timetable. You'll Need: A prize is a nice touch for the winning team, but is not essential. A stopwatch or timer. For this icebreaker, spread out a large piece of butcher paper, making sure there is space along it for each of your group members to sit. One of my favourite Trainers' Library exercises that never fails to get people thinking, usually in Diversity training. After playing for about ten minutes, ask participants to describe what they noticed and what did or did not surprise them about the rest of the group's participation. Objective: The goal here is to encourage everyone to come to a final decision, working together to make a fair negotiation. Ive used it in induction courses. The Big Book of Conflict-Resolution Games - Washington State University Further, conflict management is a product of successful problem-solving in which the parties have worked out ways to de-escalate conflict and avoid future escalations. Group Size:This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 25 participants. I used 'course introduction' with a group on a departmental awayday. In this exercise, some players take on the role of time travelers, while the rest of the group act as parties in a conflict. To do conflict resolution exercises, first decide on a game or activity and gather any necessary materials. Aims: To understand the interests and priorities of fellow participants. To identify the benefits of getting to know those we interact with at work. To do the exercise, get a whiteboard or digital whiteboard and gather the group. It is possible to use this exercise in conference situations as well as more usual training interventions like courses and workshops. It has been effective within courses on coaching and first line manager courses. No-one has ever got all the questions correct yet! Make spaces on the board for categories like causes, plans of action, and possible outcomes. To execute this exercise, make a list of little fun or routine activities with different allotted points. The Raisin Meditation The following exercise is a fun, palpable way for a child to develop mindfulness as a skill and notice the present. You will have chosen person A to take an opinion on the topic and person B another opinion on the topic. Though many are fake, some are irrelevant to the workplace, and some are potentially offensive or triggering to your employees. Conflict Resolution Activities | Trainers Warehouse WorkSMART: Tips for a happier, more engaged workplace Call Us: 800-299-3770Fax: 508-651-2674 Home Recent Posts Shop About Get in Touch Were a trusted brand and you will be in safe hands. Note: Some pages on this site include affiliate links for which we sometimes get a commission from the affiliate company. Now, he has a baseball-sized lump on his noggin. Thus, you can promote appropriate means of handling conflict. Group Size:This module can be used with groups of almost any size. Having identified what diversity is the trainer asks the delegates to sit back, listen to a story and expect to answer some questions about the subject afterwards. ' ) ; you 'll Need: a single apple ( or other type of presentation in activity! Training session, although do remember the golden rule it for both Health and Safety training and also on board. Fictional conflicts builds team skills in a variety of different sessions understanding information! Use it for both Health and Safety training and also on the and! Of Glum has been endorsed by Show Racism the Red Card for its ability make! 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