Which eventually caused me to fall unconscious and when I did wake up my legs didnt work and I didnt know who I was and had amnesia, hence all the tests. The problems started with my knees and became worse over the following several months. About 3 weeks ago my dentist prescribed me Cipro. My whole family has been prescribed this (ZPAK) with no side effects at one time or another. Thank you. And also l-theanine (400 mg per day). Very annoying. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; . amzn_assoc_linkid = "b6205bacb1820c8198dafc01f019962e"; Unfortunately, there is no miracle cure for this problem other than supporting your body and mind to heal from the damage. Fluoroquinolone toxicity. How are you doing now Anne, i am floxed with leviquin twice with in 2 months. You might be in distress with no hope, but many people like me do recover and that hope needs to be there to fight through it. I dont know if you experienced similar ups, downs and setbacks. Sometimes the side effect itself can be delayed but once the cascade of effects from the quinolone settle down, your immune system and cells will start to regenerate. You need to try to do this otherwise you can develop something called learned insomnia where you associate bedtime with not sleeping. I take mag and other supplements, but will definitely be doing tumeric, green tea etc. At first, I was much more prone to injuries of the ligaments, tendons, and muscles like many of us were after these antibiotics but that went away also as I trained my body to become stronger. He gave me a set of 5 exercises to do daily to strengthen the Achilles tendon and the foot which I learned under the supervision of a physical therapist . I admire your proactive approach and determination. Am happy God has brought me to read how I will take care of my health from this point after reading your article, much appreactive as doctors wouldnt have been able to see me through this one. He has an excellent medical intuition, knows me well, we have been friends for 30 years and has been supporting me closely since all this started. The inflammation in all my body disappeared in two hours and I was able to stand up without crutches as the pain in my heels was gone. They make the throbbing pain stop, but still inflamed and hard to swallow and eat, jaw feels like its out of place and my bite is different. And after each cycle of my symptoms reappearing (insomnia, nerve pain, tendon pain, etc) I would get much closer to fully recovering. Just wanted to thankyou for sharing. I look, feel, think and move as before this unfortunate event. Its called Magnesium Oil. Cipro and Levaquin can cause serious damage to your central nervous system, potentially inflicting brain injuries and dysfunctions that affect your mental state. One week of improvement and stability eating Dark Chocolate. Also, Thank you all so much for this info. His strategies for stopping anxiety and panic attacks were extremely helpful for me and they worked. Cipro was designed as a powerful, last drug of choice, antibiotic to be used in extreme bacterial infections that did not respond to prior treatment; it has become a first choice antibiotic for many, many physicians and dentists, despite its' Black Box Warning status. This is the magnesium supplement I recommend. Interestingly, your blog and story are mentioned in the comments. My head is still all cloudy, no memory, cant concentrate, lots of anxiety, plenty of depression when I never had any. I just would like to know what you took exactly so i can go purchase the supplements. But I am also open to all the ideas and there is nothing to lose in trying them. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Dr. Ghalili explains your body as a Jenga, the more damage done by cipro, the more pieces of the Jenga are removed, once the final piece is out to hold the Jenga stable, the Jenga crumbles and this is the classic a bomb went off in my body feeling the majority of cipro toxicity patients endure. The doctor informed me that ciprofloxacin softens collagen. The symptoms of ciprocan be either short term or longterm, however treatment is available for any level of severity. Dark Chocolate is mentioned in it as a pre-biotic and my help in soothing them. Its not unique to Cipro, but how the body responds generally to toxic drugs, chemicals, or substances. As you are a successful survivor If you recall something else that helped you in tour recovery please let us know. Based on the research I did at the time, I concluded that adding bromelain would be a good idea because of its powerful anti-inflammatory effects. But these cells are replaced by stem cells in the body (younger people can recover better). Its very low for me, so 99% of the time dont hear it. And yes, its sad that I didnt do my own homework. I have been reading more your blog and the post you wrote back in 2008 about the side effects you had with Cipro. Magnesium is extremely important as magnesium is chelated out of your cells leading to muscle weakness and tightness. He asked me to send him a thorough report about my side effects, how developed and what is working in my healing process which I already did. I was given Cipro this past March after a procedure on my liver. Such is the case with an important class of antibiotics . Avoid exercise and use of the affected area, and immediately ask your doctor to switch to a non-fluoroquinolone drug. Those are the news and hope helps. If there is a way to recover from mitochondria damage I sure would like to hear about it! So, what's the big deal? I would not recommend doing both! Best Vegan Digestive Enzymes (Supplements and Foods), Vegan Protein Powders With All Essential Amino Acids, What Is The Best DIM Supplement Without Soy, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnadtVqAT6z20QdoXW-xLjw, https://www.crvitality.com/2018/03/how-to-use-d-mannose-for-a-uti/, https://www.crvitality.com/2018/07/supplements-healing-tendons-ligaments/. The not being able to breathe is more like more lungs just cant hold that much air anymore and every since I took the Cipro it feels like I can barely swallow too. Thanks. Regenerative Medicine LA, Los Angeles, CA I also suffer from extreme anxiety, depersonalization, nightmares, and now nerve pain in my toes, as well as weakness in my legsthings I never had before taking cipro. The most important thing to remember about Cipro and Levaquin (ciprofloxacin toxicity & levofloxacin toxicity) toxicity is that its effect is cumulative. My eyes were swollen and my face looked crooked. I did have the ability to take some months off work through the worst of it so that helped a lot. Official answer by Drugs.com Ciprofloxacin should be out of your system around 22 hours after your last dose. https://goop.com/wellness/health/a-simple-cure-for-autoimmune-disease/. I sprayed the magnesium oil on and rubbed them a bit. But this Cipro in mind is literally driving me crazy. Im only 29 and have no previous medical history but I was biking a lot when I took Cipro to train for a 200-mile ride and I think that might be why I was affected. Ill save myown personal story about Cipro and all the ways it affected me for a future article. Any luck with NAD+ or NR supplements as that can assist with DNA repair? Same as you and many other people affected by this type of antibiotics describe. Regarding your comments on magnesium, yes it is so important and even the late Dr Jay Cohen, who wrote a book on these toxic drugs theorized that damage might be lessened by actually taking magnesium 4 hours apart from the fluoroquinolone. 9 Days so far of constant progress and healing. Im writing on a different Antibiotic (Azithromycin). This can just help boost genes that increase autophagy (remove damaged organelles like mitochondria), DNA repair, etc. An Advil and Tylenol helped, in the beginning, take the edge off, but I stopped taking. I really do hope your method works, it has to. We went about our recovery in very different ways. The once healthy man he met at his office a few weeks ago was now disabled. This restored my blood pressure to normal level WITHOUT any additional prescription drugs for blood pressure control. Not only did I recover, but I felt even better than I ever did. Since the last 4 days I am able to cook, shower, do the laundry and do all the normal duties. Yogi Sleep teas with ingredients such as Valerian root and chamomile were helpful. . Probiotics are useful in preventing the occurrence of pathogenic bacteria from taking hold in the bowel. I too suffered from severe insomnia after the very first dose of Cipro. No dairy, gluten sugars. Both of my knees started hurting after taking a walk after 7 doses of Cipro. It takes approximately 70% of your mitochondria to be damaged in order for you to feel the symptoms. Since the last 5 days I have started to cry so much as I have never did before. I also keep exercising my core, arms through Yoga and Calisthenics. In animal studies, it does make then more susceptible to side effects. Do you feel your chest is tight or you cant get enough air? This is me recently Im not moving as slow as a 90-year old: https://youtu.be/v4_JaPirRHQ. Bromelain has been studied a lot for its ability to enhance soft tissue healing, but it also has numerous other benefits such as improving sinusitis symptoms, treating diarrhea, speeding up recovery from surgery, blocking pro-inflammatory cytokines which cause tissue destruction, and can improve cardiovascular health. A full mitochondrial regeneration program is one way to minimize the long-term effects of Cipro by using detox mechanisms with mitochondrial rebuilding. I got a little confused with the article when you said if not taking a multi you recommend certain vitamins. The patient reviews read that most people under 45 were having anxiety, diarrhea, vomiting, depression, numbness, heart palpations, high blood pressure just to name a few. Within 3 days of taking the meds, I lost the ability to walk unassisted, I lost 40 pounds in 2 months, my body burned all over, my vision was . I sent him all the warning about it of the FDA, EU Health system and the NHS in the UK. And I did fully recover and have no symptoms. Ive stopped biking but Im still walking as much as possible and do physical therapy exercises. 'I Seriously Thought I Was Going To Die in the First Year' I took one capsule per day away from food. Thank you I feel really lucky to have come back stronger than before! We really dont know what to do. Currently suffering gastro issues, tendonitis or tendonopothy.. freaked out. One of the things I came across most in trying to help people recover is their reluctance to take supplements and fear of new side effects from taking them. The quinolones and all the symptoms will likely cause further anxiety (not just the drug induced anxiety), so you need to get that under control if you can and try to remember that you will get passed this and you will recover. Any deficiencies will slow your recovery down significantly. My mom is currently suffering from sever side effects from Cipro. Or collagen peptides? I myself am a nurse practitioner and I have prescribed Cipro to patients many times, with the one rare and well known tendon rupture side effect ( which we are told you never see) Ill never prescribe this again after what happened to me! This Ciprofloxacin poison must be banned world wide! if you get pain, feel pins and needles, tingling, tickling, numbness or burning, or weakness especially in the legs or arms; if you get swelling in the shoulder, arms or legs, have walking difficulty, feel tired or depressed or have problems with your memory or with sleeping or you notice changes with your vision, taste, smell or hearing. I read reviews where people over 50 were experiencing balance disturbance, numbness in the face, neuropathy, heart attacks, heart problems, and headaches, mostly on one side o the face, like a cluster headache. Rats that are administered magnesium and vitamin E is able to diminish the damage from Cipro [5]. Symptoms affecting tendons, muscles, and joints, including swelling, pain, and tendon rupture. At that point belatedly I read the insert warnings in particular to elderly women (I am 83) and realized it was more than tendonitis. I feel liquid move around in my head and I dont know if its allergies or what but I do need to supplement with some vitamins because I lack vitamin k, b2, and d3. Then subsequent treatments can trigger the start of subtle symptoms as toxicity builds. Its still very early days you will get a lot better!! You can see the extent of my problems after taking Cipro by checking out this forum. Only after taking a minimum of 5000 UI of vitamin D3 daily, I can get a normal reading of that vitamin in my blood tests. Suspect Vocal Cord Dysfunction!). I had 6 MRIs, a spinal tap, and was tested for EVERY disease known to man. Its something that I had prior to Cipro probably from playing in bands. I instantly got pretty much all the side effects, unfortunately memory and confusion were 2 of them and didnt realize what was happening until 13 pills into it. Some mitochondria (depending on the cell) only last a few days and are replaced. I couldnt stop my tears when I told him my experience. Then week two was worse. Some supplements that help calm down the nervous system are amino acids like Taurine (I take about 1000-2000 mg per day as Im vegan and dont get it in diet). L-Lysine. Whey protein powder contains all the essential amino acids that you need to build protein. He wants to share that information with his colleagues in Brazil to see if there is something that can be done and for them to be more aware of the damage that these drugs may cause to some people. Im guessing of the forums have been closed down now, so people hang out in Facebook groups? I highly recommend Dr Harry Barry (check out his Google talk and his channel on YT). As for the blood tests, I did have them done when I was in the hospital from Jan-April of this year when they did the MRIs and spinal tap. The key is taking it very slowly with stretches, weight-bearing exercises, and working back up to your previous level of fitness. So, what's the big deal? And Im drinking a TON of filtered water with trace minerals added back in and totally never pee? Reports stated the effects of the Azit, stayed in your system at least 15 days after the last dose. Hello Matt, I am 19 years old and took Cipro a total of five times. I had to press him to do something for the pain and inflammation so he prescribed a steroid. I alternate drinking warm freshed squeezed lemon water and diluted Apple Cider Vinegar every morning on empty stomach. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Since I was recovering from pelvic floor surgery an abscess was suspected so a CT was ordered. Studies have found that omega 3 prevents nerve damage and speeds up nerve regeneration [8]. And oh my goodness if I walk too fast or go up the stairs it feels like Im going to pass out! Every symptom was magnified immediately upon second dose. I felt HEALTHIER and YOUNGER years after I got hit by Cipro. No appetite but I am eating nutritiously. I have thrown on a few others here and there, including Shalijit. Thanks for sharing your story and the tips that helped you, I specially like your positive attitude and the outcome of all you went through. I personally believe that the FQs should only be given in a life or death scenario, yet they're still handed out all too lightly, despite new restrictions from both Europe and the FDA. This drug should be taken off of the market. I did start all the supplements you suggested. There is zero doubt that this med caused this. I wish I had known about all of these things earlier, but am grateful to be discovering them now. And thats exactly what I did. I was treated with ciprofloxacin twice and the first time the tendonitis side effects occurred but were not associated with the cipro. Sure hope I feel better soon. How soon after did you start to notice joint pain and stiffness? Days later I was told to try it again that perhaps the symptoms increased due to water in the ear. Sorry that you feel that way I do understand how severe some people are affected by these antibiotics and I would never recommend them to anyone. The best for me so far has been the Magnesium Citrate and the absolute best is Magnesium Chloride but in its topic form. Ill check out the videos you suggested to. So there is hope, but you gotta try to keep calm, do what you can to support your body and mind in healing, and let time go by until your body repairs. Drinking matcha green tea will provide significant amounts of polyphenols or you can take a supplement. Hi, Unfortunately Ive been taking Cipro quite many times mostly for bladder infection and intestinal infections long term combined with Other antibiotics and the last time the side effects worsen and not only I cant get rid of it but its has effected my life in many negative ways, I have sever pain in my entire body due to nerve damage and tendinitis and RA and fibromyalgia. And oh my God, Ive never felt like that! What scares me is that now I understand that the collogen supplement is necessary because the mitochondria of the cells probably no longer can replicate themselves after the DNA was damaged, being an evolutionary remnant of the bacteria from which we descended! The acute Plantar Fasciitis in both feet is also gone. Thankyou, Hi Matt, My husband was floxed in the 1990s, and we didnt realize it until relatively recently. The good news is that I felt even healthier later, a few years after Cipro, than I did before. My mum has taken Cipro a couple times without any side effects. The majority of fluoroquinolone victims are told they have chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia, which in my expert medical opinion is actually caused by mitochondrial toxicity secondary to cipro antibiotic exposure. Early signs of Cipro toxicity include low back pain, tendonitis, tendon rupture, arthralgia, pain in extremities, gait disturbance, neuropathies associated with paraesthesia, depression, fatigue, memory impairment, sleep disorders, and impaired hearing, vision, taste, and smell. It will feel like Im making progress but then Ill have a bad week. I implemented each supp as I educated myself about them. Went back to doctor, he brushed off my symptoms, said it could be because I was sleeping in recliner instead of bed. Collagen production is also important in healing injuries and in healing wounds, including post-operative wounds. This is done by an in-depth functional medicine analysis, customized IV vitamin infusions, specific supplement protocols, correction of metabolic deficiencies for body optimization prior to administering cutting-edge cell therapy. Thank you for sharing, I took a Cipro and flagyl in February 14th. The reason for taking EGCG is to help increase protection against central and peripheral nerve damage and cartilage destruction. Oh! However, antioxidants and tendon supporting drugs might help in recovery. When a drug goes wrong we dont know what to tell you to do! *The following is an individual's story of surviving fluoroquinolone toxicity. Loss of hearing. Sorry to hear that your doctor thinks youre crazy. Only to slip back into eating things I hadnt. Life extension also has a good EGCG supplement. I have done lots of training, particularly running, and kung fu in that time. The doctor told me it was a great medication I took his word for it. I m terrified of these hypnic jerks. Today, I have good days and bad days. Along with this low dose of clonazepam I havent feel any anxiety since I started to add the cocoa in my diet. Magnesium is also able to help reduce the central nervous system side effects of quinolones by inhibiting excitation of NMDA receptor activities and promote the gabaergic system which calms down the nervous system and helps with sleep [6]. If you can email me please I would really appreciate it. The only thing I hope is to not feel much pain and not suffer again neurological side effects. This is because the combination of NSAIDs/steroids and fluoroquinolones does not always cause a toxic reaction, the toxic reaction of combining fluoroquinolones and NSAIDs/steroids can occur even when the drugs are taken weeks or months apart, doctors and other medical professionals don't acknowledge fluoroquinolone toxicity and so they don't I believe there have been more published since, but Ive not updated the article yet. What it doesn't tell you is that the drug is actually capable of unleashing an entire syndrome of systemic toxicity upon the patient which is often referred to by victims as "floxing" or being "floxed." Others refer to the condition as "fluoroquinolone . Now all of a sudden the man thinks I nuts. And then the memory and confusion issues too. How are you doing now? It's an antibiotic, right? 80 grs. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. My current diet has plenty of calcium in green leaves as spinach and nuts that I prepare in smoothies. Victimized by Cipro a week ago at 58. I will not go into it all, but with extensive research, I have found what is working for me. What do you mean by cant breathe ? Pain, burning, tingling, numbness, weakness. Once the steroid wears off, the throbbing begins again and stabbing pain begins again on and off. Im about 5 weeks out and definitely feel/felt a variety of side effects (insomnia for sure, nerve pain/neuropathy but both seem to be gradually passing). This all said, some days Ive had full confidence that Ill fully recover while at its worst, Im more scared than Ive ever been in my life that I wont. I am deeply connected with my inner intuition about what nutrients may help in my recovery so I am trying ingredients and learning on the way. If you decide to make a purchase, I may make a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thanks for giving us some hope. We share very similar views and knowledge about nutrition. Try to control the anxiety if you can, as it can spiral out of control. If youve had a severe reaction after taking an antibiotic called Cipro, it can be a scary time if youve read some of the horror storieson the internet. Sorry to hear about your experience. I recently found something that has been a game changer and may help others: Dark chocolate. 99.9% of the time, there are other less damaging antibiotics to choose from unless you are the rare 1/100,000 cases where your doctor actually obtains a bacterial culture showing only sensitivity to fluoroquinolones. I read you story and Im so sorry you had to go through that. I used to get red and painfully burned in minutes when exposed to the sun before taking vitamin D3. Im suffering neuropathy in my hands and feet and ridget muscles in calves and some pain, headaches, anxiety, insomnia. I figured antibiotics were essentially the same and took 500 mg twice a day as prescribed. Who knows what component of the dark chocolate is helping me so much. And while you wait for your body to heal itself, treatment is fairly intuitive: stop use of the fluoroquinolone and have your doctor switch you to another antibiotic; rest your tendons; use anti-inflammatory drugs for pain (being careful not to exceed daily limits); elevate your leg (if the pain is in your Achilles' tendon); and ice the affected But I did recover, and its now been 13 years and I dont experience any of those side effects and I havent for a very long time. The product line for Reflex Whey protein has since changed since 2007 2009, but there are many good options to choose from. I couldnt sleep at all for the last three nights. Thank you and good luck to all!! I felt very relieved after that conversation as I felt I had the moral duty to inform him in detail how harmful can be these antibiotics to protects others from this pain and suffering. Hundreds of individuals have benefited from this type of therapy. I feel I am living now more in the present and being grateful of the things I have and not the ones I lost. By that time I had neuropathy in both arms and legs, extreme muscle weakness everywhere, crazy exhaustion, fatigue, I can barely swallow or breath, Im dizzy and faint feeling all the time, still confused and having memory issues, super bad case of thrush, and of course a rash all over my back and stomach! One of the differences between my story and others is my proactive approach to recovery from day one. Check your medical records. Hi Lou, my husband is suffering from Cipro poisoning and is having really bad anxiety, panic, agitation and very tense muscles including issues with swallowing at night and tremors too. Their influence alters your genes, causing ongoing mutations and damage. Contemplating Suicide: Cipro Poisoning is that Bad By Thanksgiving Day, I was in such terrible pain physically and mentally. Week three I thought it couldnt get worse. Ive been taking nascent iodine, among many other supplements including Cali tea by Sunrider (natural, decaffeinated green tea with many other herbal additives that detoxify the body Sunrider makes top-end products by a gent names Dr. Chen that I encourage your readers to check out). You can see some of the studies I posted about here https://www.crvitality.com/2018/03/how-to-use-d-mannose-for-a-uti/. I do occasionally have a flare from unknown causes. I joined the Yahoo Group that was up at the time and a few forums and there have been many awful stories and I too was extremely worried that I would never recover and be normal again. A cry that comes from deep in my heart and every cell of my body. These antibiotics used to be routinely prescribed for bacterial infections such as: In 2016, the US Food and Drug Administration recommended that fluoroquinolones should only be used in patients whose infections have no alternative treatment options or for serious infections. But like all drugs, they can have unwanted and serious side effects, some of which may not become apparent until many thousands of patients have been treated. In the first few months, I took a full serving and then lowered it to 50% because my diet was already a very healthy plant-based, vegetarian diet. I dont think its so much anxiety over like worrying about the symptoms Im having i think its literally the Ciprp just messing with my CNS. Every day I am being able to exercise and walk a bit longer. This cyclic effect is not unique to quinolone-recovery but also happens with many other conditions. I read so many cases of people who were perfectly happy before Cipro who then committed suicide after. Matt, Otherwise, just choose a multivitamin that suits your needs. My naturopath was called into service when I had a severe reaction to stress that gave me dangerously high blood pressure all of a sudden. I have been recovering ok but was excited about finding your info on healing. Sometimes I would mix the whey protein in with my morning oatmeal even! Im not sure if you are familiar with it. I have never felt or been so vulnerable in my entire life. It contained all the essential vitamins and minerals as well as a few extras. Some of the mechanisms behind the ability of green tea to protect against hearing damage are by suppressing free radical damage, inhibiting inflammation and caspases to prevent cell death. Hey Thank you for your suggestions. Check out this article: https://www.crvitality.com/2018/03/how-to-use-d-mannose-for-a-uti/. It took a good 45 min until I felt better. Hence, the 6 month update. Antioxidants like lycopene, astaxanthene and tendon supportive drugs like collagen supplements. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; I felt him sincere and he told me that he will do his best to help me. If the cell is damaged, it will try to repair it, but if it cant do that, it will eventually die. So blogs like this are a lifesaver! Its all just really bad timing. [1]. 4. Healing wishes to all.. Hello! Then you can just take it slow and recover. Take a mix of tocopherols and tocotrienols, as these act as powerful antioxidants and aid in recovery. Its also causing depression too. There are multiple clinical trials showing it is effective (even more so than antibiotics in some cases) at preventing bladder infections. As I mentioned above, I can walk normal now without any pain or discomfort. BUT the problem being when I was younger I was an IV drug user, I literally do not have a single vein, like when I had my son two years ago they couldnt find a vein with the ultra sound machine even for the IV so to even get an IV for the contrast for an MRI that I dont even need (or to have blood tests done) I would have to get a picc line which wouldnt be very much fun. 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