You can be a good soldier, since, in addition to discipline and obedience, you are the king of duty. They find excitement in new territory, ideas and people. Capricorn makes me ambitious and competitive but it is in my 12th so its not a dominant feature, just something that stays a steady baseline for me. You possess great vision and drive to succeed and can sometimes come across as arrogant and egotistical. With the same outburst, you will decide that the relationship is over and your partner will suffer your decision without having any say in the matter. With a downright complexity, you can behave like a science fiction character. MARCH 2023. They will probably feel like an outsider within their own home. WebBe Unique. While many people will measure Sun sign compatibility as the be-all and end-all, Best Taurus Rising compatibility: Scorpio, Capricorn, and Virgo Best Aquarius Your combination of Scorpio and Aquarius make you a secretive woman who rarely expresses her emotions or needs. Jupiter benefits you and makes you happy, relieving your depressions. Also different zodiac systems, sidereal and Vedic(similar system). Born from December 22 to January 19, Capricorn Sun Scorpio Moon men are known for their innovative creative abilities. Its true they sometimes manipulate others, but they are very serious about their relationships and everything in general. Capricorn Sun people cannot rest until their future is secure money, job security and their home are all extremely important to them. Perhaps success is just your way of reassuring yourself that youre all those things people say you are. Scorpio is a water sign and ruled by Pluto, the planet of power. The combination of Capricorn with Gemini rising makes you an eternal teenager. This combination is too rigorous to work face to face with people. Were you born on a Capricorn Full Moon? They have a low tolerance for dishonesty but are very tolerant of others mistakes and misjudgments. You can feel compassion for the weak and generosity of heart, which is difficult for Aquarius. A Capricorn, a Cancer or another Scorpio man would be perfect for her. However, their past lives may trouble them as well as empower them. They can act on instinct or by reason; they are guileful and sharp, but able to keep a secret; they are stubborn and can be very unyielding in a dilemma. They are not necessarily the most outstanding in their class however they often are honors students and may show emotions of anger when frustrated at not understanding particular subjects. Shes a charismatic and passionate individual who wears her heart right on her sleeve. You like to travel but love relaxing at home. You will never give up while trying. The Capricorn man often has trouble expressing his emotions fully and honestly due to the influence of Scorpio Moon. Their intuition allows them to see things as they truly are both inside and outside of themselves, which can be shocking at times due to the unique ability to see where others have yet to realize is there. Intensely ambitious and goal-oriented, it is often said they will stop at nothing to get what they want. With a Scorpio Sun Capricorn Moon, self-acceptance is another thing you must learn. Aquarius sun with Gemini rising, you are a quite coherent being. However, you seem communicative and sociable, all qualities given by your Aquarius Ascendant, an Air sign spurred by humanistic aspirations and endowed with an original mindset which is open to newness. Even so, you will always keep your sense of justice and beauty intact. Learn how these three zodiac signs intersect to make up who we are; from our This can develop into an obsession with personal recognition, which ultimately may prove costly for these individuals. These signs together increase your stubbornness and distrust. Your life is full of ambitions and you will never leave something half-done. She can be ultra-controlling at times and is very good at playing the martyr role when it suits her needs. This is a place for Capricorns and those interested in Capricorns to gather. They have a distinct sense of style, and tend to express themselves through their fashion choices as much as their words. They love to share these new experiences with their partner. Your style is that of an adventurer. As an individual with Aquarius Rising, though you have a reputation for fairness and tolerance, there is a strong streak of inflexibility in your nature. Leo always imprints power to any sign. You may be devoted to your partner, but your aloofness can be hard to take. The Moon Phase you were born under further refines your Moon Sign, revealing more about your inner nature than you could possibly imagine. With a strong emphasis on career and status, some Capricorn Sun Scorpio Moon men are very hard workers who take great pride in their achievements. Capricorns with Scorpio rising are especially adept in these types of roles because, among other things, theyre fiercely protective of people who depend on them. As soon as you penetrate his hard shell, you are going to find an amazing friend whos loyal which makes him perfect for long-term relationships. You mix sensuality with mysticism. They are extra clever, and have an extraordinary amount of ability to understand new theories and comprehend them with ease. The Aquarius rising makes me somewhat quirky and hard to read- I can be emotional but wont ever cry in front of others unless I feel super close to them. If your Sun and Moon signs are Capricorn and Scorpio, you are a very strong personality, always seeking to find out more about yourself and the future. You have been born to consolidate, resolve, associate. The Capricorn-Scorpio woman is often deeply attached to family and tradition but at the same time feels out of step with her roots, or they may be very close to their family but also highly critical of them. Pisces moon. I am similar, Cap sun and Pisces moon but cancer rising. Theyre ambitious, stubborn and aim for success. When you stare into the abyss, it stares back at you. Your ideas go beyond contact with people. They are ambitious, competitive and ruthless when it comes to their career advancement. Scorpio Sun Capricorn Moon natives are honest people who dont believe in things being half-done. Venus tears away Saturns asceticism so that pleasure sensations prevail: eat, love, make money. You enjoy being with people but are perfectly content to be alone. one with a strong drive to succeed, and willingness to work very hard to insure that this becomes a reality. She is so different from any other in that she is a mix of so many things. At work, you may have problems because of your tendency to want to dominate others. At home, they like being in control. Almost, Capricorn Sun, Pisces Moon, Libra Rising. In friendship, you know how to give the best of your Aquarius sun sign: fairness and loyalty to those around you. Webcapricorn sun, pisces moon. He has an intense personality that exhibits tremendous pragmatism, and can become a ruthless foe when crossed. The Scorpio Sun Aquarius Moon woman to me was one of the hardest yet fun zodiac woman to write about. Your projects will always include others. You have everything to make you a harmonious being. You try to make things last in time. Your razor And another thing: his money is his. These natives are a puzzle to others and to themselves. You have the will to fulfill the most difficult spiritual goals. With Virgo rising, you are more methodical and organized than other Aquarians. You are somehow indifferent to the fluctuations of your environment, and you show your true personality to your close friends only. Scorpio tries to conceal its emotions, even from itself, while Aquarius is more at ease with exposing its inner self to the world. This pairing also suggests a rather shrewd quality in their nature, and also makes it clear that they understand (or, at least, believe that they understand) the ways of the world and know how to deal with them effectively. The Astrology of Your Most Ideal Locations. They are also extremely protective of those close to them, fiercely loyal and capable of vengeance if their trust is broken. You achieve your goals, overcoming any obstacle. Yet she will always be next to her family, no matter how difficult the times. If you really want it, you will achieve happiness. You will have to overcome obstacles, but you are capable of doing so. They are tough-minded, ambitious and work hard to achieve their goals. This makes them original and independent individuals, who still want to associate with others. But when it comes time to tackle a project, the passion you had hidden in a corner emerges. Wise and disciplined from a young age, these guys are also calm and approachable. Your reservation does not let you move comfortably in social circles. Or with those who arent down-to-earth and capable. You fulfill your duties to the letter, and you exhaust yourself with work. They have a no-nonsense personality and they enjoy being in charge. But they will never allow money to rule them. Copyright 20092023 Astrology Library. You are one of those who think that true love is found by treasuring experiences. Lotta feels/ups and downs with family this year, Same big 3! After all, how else can they earn trust? They often have a tendency to be inventors and supporters of new ideas and technology or they could possibly have been descended from celestial beings themselves! Right and will reject every woman he dates until he finds her. He is very loyal to loved ones if they have proved themselves worthy including family members. Its very likely his partner will be treated like an inferior. A Capricorn Sun, Scorpio Moon individual is ambitious and hardworking, with a deep-seated need to make an impression upon the world. But dont expect her to be the kind and warm wife or mother. Libra, Leo and Capricorn ascendants, but not with Cancer. Scorpio Sun Aquarius Moon people are deep and private, preferring to go their own way rather than with the crowd. But he needs someone to support him in his career. Goats, go easy with your stingers! welcome to the nightmare . The Sun in Capricorn person is possessive, tenacious, responsible, serious-minded and ambitious. This woman expresses herself harmoniously and is able to make others appreciate her ideas. This may be one reason why you desperately want to succeed. So their partner can rest assured they are serious about their relationship. Keep fighting, because your works will be for eternity. Along with your sun and rising sign, your moon sign is one of the most significant placements They are forgiving but not easily duped. Theyll fit almost any place where their authority is never questioned. (Find out your rising sign with our Rising Sign Calculator.). At times, you look melancholic and others, cheerful. Serious, they are ruled by Saturn. The Capricorn Sun sign is part of the earth element which creates this personality to be very sensual and food oriented. You idealize to the extreme. Secretive, brave and instinctive, all key ingredients to success in whatever arena they find themselves in, be it a career, hobby or relationship. Is it difficult to maintain the balance? The combination makes a Credit card and 10 minutes purchase required. We print the highest quality leo sun capricorn moon It doesnt matter if it makes them unpopular to stick to their own beliefs and to being honest, theyll continue to do it. 1. awarmembrace 4 mo. In her twenties, she may seem superficial and flirty with anyone whos a little bit more eccentric. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Yous sun in Aquarius impels you to inconstancy. WebAquarius sun, Scorpio moon, Capricorn rising, whaddya think? Inwardly, you know very well what your decision is regarding that matter. ago. Shop leo sun capricorn moon scorpio rising mugs created by independent artists from around the globe. This placement gives endurance and yet has no compunction about using a powerful force when necessary. Mars plays a fundamental role in your life and challenges you by making you face critical situations. With such a powerful fusion working together in The rising sign, i.e. Your lack of understanding of the needs of others can sometimes cloud your judgment. Try saying I love you once in awhile, just to remind your lover of your feelings. Your wit amazes those around you. He can make a great government agent or CEO of a big corporation. Yeah, me too. I really enjoy the cancer moon now that I am older. They will try to absorb information and opinions from everything, and this can lead to a high level of intellect and rational thinking that comes naturally to them. The Scorpio woman is complex, fascinating, sexy and bold. Be respectful to others! The combination adds up to a personality that is visionary, practical, and inventive. Thanks for sharing. This weakens your critical sense. WebScorpio and Capricorn rising: its meaning Scorpio and Capricorn Ascendant in your horoscope The Lord of Darkness More seriously, one cannot say that you display a catching enthusiasm, except when you pursue your goals or an obsessive idea, in which case you are unavailable for anything else. Theyre also determined to live life on their own terms (and not necessarily by the book), which sometimes causes problems on the job. The Capricorn Sun Scorpio Moon man is a bit of an enigma to many. They have a deep understanding of the difficulties of life. You learn from mistakes and you increase your experience. She is more concerned with the meaning behind an action than the action itself. You have the makings of a master. I always thought my rising is Aquarius but its my mercury in Aquarius rising and mercury are not the same thing! Aquarius is usually described as a sign of change, however, the following quote is much more true to the Aquarius mission: Humanity is as it is; its not about changing it, but about knowing it. Its hard to show your feelings. Independent, charming and headstrong, they will fight hard to get what they want in life. You have a possessive streak. I spent so long wondering and studying the two but from a first hand perspective, how is Cap sun, Pisces moon with a Gemini rising? Having Aquarius Rising, you are often intolerant of other peoples shortcomings and can be wickedly sarcastic and very funny at the same time. This man is a deep thinker and hes not afraid to be upfront about how he feels. They may have a tendency to be critical of themselves and others. Scorpio Sun Capricorn Moon combination in a nutshell: Positives: Resourceful, prudent and honorable; Negatives: Vindictive, uncooperative and If you know how to develop the qualities of your Taurus ascendant, you will develop patience, which would complement your sun sign. Fortunately, since these signs are both air signs, they respond to intellectual stimulation and are able to relate on a more humanitarian level. A Virgo moon rising with a Scorpio sun and Aquarius rising is a good match for lovers who value order, structure, and organization. And no matter how compassionate you appear to be towards others, you instinctively look for Number One. Your inclination towards He is sometimes seen as materialistic as he is interested in business and building his assets. Some astrologers say the Sun in Scorpio man is extremely intense. With Aries rising, you are the toughest Aquarius. No chart posts. Discover remarkable insights into your birth chart, with an In-Depth Astrology & Numerology Natal Chart Analysis: Exploring & Understanding Your Natal (Birth) Chart, Discover Your Moon Signs Unique Personality Type. They are the most mature Scorpios in the zodiac. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, known for being disciplined and responsible. You may enjoy work dedicated to theological and moralistic themes. Never happy with the second place, they could lead anyone towards greater things. Whatever they take on becomes a passion for them. And they will bring this side of them in any relationship they will have. This is similar to what Edgar cayce talks about, A 20th century great American psychic, an author and famous clairvoyant wrote much on astrology and spoke of channeling his higher self. Even the idea of conflict upsets you. Much of this is the impatience you feel toward those who do not have your visionary or lofty ideas. But they can struggle to find a balance in their lives, spending too much time trying to understand the world around them and not enough feeling connected to it. Denise is an experienced practitioner of astrology, interested to discover and share with everyone how astrology can inspire and change lives. They are imaginative and big dreamers but they also have a practical side that allows them to make their dreams reachable. Reflect and think about why some people do not trust you. Ambition can be everything for the willful and determined Scorpio Sun Capricorn Moon individual. He wants power. From her thoughtful approach to problem solving to her determination to get the job done, a Capricorn Sun Scorpio Moon woman is a class act. Hes definitely not the perfect material to be exploited by a gold digger. They tend to live in their very own individual way, without giving a damn for the masses. Its because they are too eager to succeed. Nevertheless, Aquarius fuels an obsession, whether it is about a hope or a project to be carried out with friends, and it seldom gives it up. You prefer to throw the first stone, rather than see yourself wronged. Fame comes rather easily to Aquarius Rising individuals, and many times it is just as easily taken away from them. Scorpios are strong-willed, fiercely emotional and able to manipulate others in their favor. All rights reserved. * Introductory offer valid for the first 10 minutes of your consultation after customer registration which requires your first name, name, postal address, email, phone number and a valid payment card. This is a complex and contradictory blend of traits. Nobody really gets your personality, not even your mother. You want to see the best in humanity and are hopeful about the future. Thats why they are good businesspeople and managers. This Zodiac sign is all about responsibilities, commitments, and business. Capricorn Sun Scorpio Moon women have many wonderful traits they carry with them throughout life. My house is decorated nicely and will always be clean (libra moon tendency- I need my surroundings to look and feel good). This means at this age, she will own a house, a car and will be on her way to success at work. Sagittarius and Capricorn join in the same spiritual resoluteness. This man is actually a very emotional person. Intelligent and charming, you are particularly suited to a position of leadership. They are deeply intuitive, ever-evolving, and resourceful. But as much as she gives to others, she needs to trust that the feelings she has for her significant other are not one-sided. However, any guy in love with her needs to keep in mind that shes very controlling and stubborn. Such conditions make this combination a mark of highly intelligent people with possibilities to grow in scientific areas. 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