This symbol leads to a chamber containing a Pom of Power, which can be used to level up one of your currently owned boons. Spirits also reach out to people through the power of clairsentience. As the ruler of the underworld, Hades controls and possesses all the earths riches. This cap causes not only invisibility but can inflict madness on others. Poseidon would rule the oceans. At Beltane, Persephone is emerging from the Underworld, bringing us spring. Particularly in his realm of wealth, working with Hades reminds us to pay a small tribute to financial mindfulness each day. But if your experiences defy mundane explanations, you may be hearing from a God. The more you know about the deity you think it might be, the better job you can do of figuring out how closely your experiences match up. are appropriate under what circumstances. You should always opt for language that falls into either the formal or informal register. You may be called to be a devotee someone who honors a God and who performs occasional service for Them, but who does not take on the obligations of priesthood. He is accompanied in this underworld also called Hades by his lovely wife Persephone, the goddess of Spring, and his trusty hellhound, the three-headed Cerberus. Many of us today struggle with similar issues as Persephone, which I hope will become clear to you as you read this post. It happens over and over again. This is because these qualities represent what Hades stands for he is the ruler of the underworld, and has control over all aspects of death and mystery. Deities wont just tell you what to do, but instead will force you into situations that feelincredibly uncomfortable yet help you grow. I just know for me.I wasn't exactly given the option lol (not that I have complaints as I love Hades, more discomfort on what was being asked of me at first), I keep getting luck with random money hitting my bank account from college that made absolutely zero sense, dogs being all over me, my playlist when I shuffle it I see hades by bathory pop up. Both pagan holidays are great times to make offerings to Persephone or celebrate in her honor! If youre still not sure if Hades is the entity reaching out to you, you can perform a tarot reading (or your preferred method of divination) to help interpret the signs. Your spirit guide may use written material to get a message to you. Persephone is a character of dualities in more ways than one. This doesnt happen once or twice. According to myth, Hades was known to have a stern look on his face. Privacy Policy. That night, I had the worst nightmares about all sorts of hell-like demons that I would not come up with in my wildest dreams. In my opinion, working with Hades will teach you patience and diligence. When you work with the goddess Persephone, you can learn to overcome alot. Hades has a dark presence that can easily be confused with other imposing spirits. Ive had a lot of strong pulls and interests show up in the past few weeks and I think some of them are signs from a deity. To get Zeus' perspective, you must talk to him enough times after talking to Demeter (plus you must have given Zeus at least 1 nectar previously). Persephone can easily understand trauma and loss, as well as grief, pain, anguish, and issues with the shadow self, including mental illness. Consider keeping a journal of your experiences and studying ancient Greek mythology to better understand the role of Hades in history and religion. And its possible youre simply called into a relationship. It seems to me that God Hades especially respects those who respect the dead, even when they dont have to. In the Tarot deck, I think that Persephone is represented by the High Priestess, though she sometimes appears as the Queens in the deck, too. Well, if you feel an inexplicable urge to want to know more about Hades despite having no prior interest in Greek mythology or religion it may well be that the god himself is nudging you in his direction! The cornucopia is sacred to Hades and is a great way to honor this God without actually creating a picture of him. Do you honor or worship The Unseen One? Have you ever read a sentence and it brought you into tears? It shows how the story of Persephone may parallel your own life and is mostly a self-help guide. Some of the indicators that the God Hades is reaching out to you include: 1. Unlike Lilith, she isnt abrasive about this. I even dried some of it out before checking on what plant it was because the pull was so strong. Most importantly, Persephone will teach you to take back your power. He cares for the souls of the dead also referred to as shades as a king who wants the best for his loyal subjects. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Its also important to look at your own heart and intentions. To better understand the nature of Hades as an archetype, lets take a look at some of the myths surrounding the god who would be crowned king of The Underworld. This beautifully crafted statue of Hades, the Greek god of the underworld, is a great addition to any pagan altar. Had absolutely no fear, despite until that point in time a life-long fear. She shows you how to find your truest inner self even when things are changing at a rapid pace, but never expects you to leave your old self behind. I had the urge to start foraging for and collecting bones. Particularly in the early days of a call, Gods are not known for being transparent and specific. Hades is also one of the only faithful husbands in Greek mythology, though Persephone was supposedly enraged by his former lovers from before their marriage. Most of the time, he allows no souls to leave, though there are myths that show exceptions are possible. In fact, everything she does is for your highest good, because you shouldnt ever live a lie. I went looking for a blog post where I discussed it and I couldnt find one. If you struggle in these areas, she can certainly help you dig yourself out, but youll have to be an active participant and put the work in. 9. That is possible, and if we are wise we consider all the likely mundane explanations first. You suddenly have a strong interest in Hades or Pluto. In Greek mythology, Persephone was the daughter of Demeter, the goddess of grain and fertility, and Zeus, conceived before Zeus married Hera. You find yourself being attracted to dark colors like black and burgundy, symbols associated with wealth like gold and jewels, and objects associated with agriculture. I am dropping you a message to let you know the post has arrived downstairs. While were on the topic of transforming nymphs into plant forms, lets talk about the origins of the white poplar tree. In my experience, she values both equally. I hope you are enjoying your weekend! In fact, her powers in the Underworld are quite substantial as Hades makes her his equal, unlike Hera on Olympus. This phrase can also be used interchangeably with I am reaching out to you in formal emails. Should I work with him or wait? If the energy feels different each time you work with Persephone or her personality and characteristics change, then you know 100% that youre working with a trickster spirit. How to respond: meditation. Suddenly getting promotions or raises at work without asking. It was amazing and overwhelming and terrifying and I will never forget it. He wants you to learn about him and perhaps even devote yourself to him; after all, he is the ruler of the Underworld and deserves respect. This includes warding and cleansing rituals as well as banishing exercises for when things get out of hand or trickster spirits appear in your area. These symbols may start popping up in your life more often. It wasnt until I started working with the goddess Persephone that I really got some answers, but its important that you remain skeptical so you can get your own. There are many myths stating the reason as to why horse is regarded as his symbol. You begin having dreams involving the roles and imagery of a God. Ive written plenty about my own callings, what to do when youre called by a God youd just as soon avoid, and what to do when it seems like nobody will ever call. Perhaps They think everyone should know who They are, like in ancient times. If someone suddenly finds success in a new business venture or project they have started, it could be seen as a sign that Hades is showing you the benefits of his influence. For example, if you are writing to someone who works in a different department of the company you work for, you could use either phrase. Gods and goddess boons in Hades. I have found that she is super receptive to many different people. Copyright 2023 Eclectic Witchcraft | Bamboo on Trellis Framework by Mediavine, eBook exclusive: Working With Hekate During The Full Moon, Last Updated on October 27, 2022 by Emma Kyteler. As a child she was called Kore or Cora . However, another very different image depicts Persephone as the Queen of the Underworld, the Mistress of Curses, a skilled ruler, a stern judge, and even a rival to Aphrodite for her beauty. However, shes also kind and even a bit motherly. Persephone can help you set boundaries in your life. Im new to everything regarding deities and signs and Ive never believed in them until recently. The phrase I am reaching out to you derives from the literal reaching out that takes place when a person extends their arm to get another persons attention. She symbolizes both springing (new growth) and death. Honor the dead by spending time in your local cemetery. Ultimately, I feel that Hades and Persephone do have a strong sense of love between them, albeit a strange relationship. The scariest part was that I felt like they were really in my room, because when I opened my eyes, the figures were still there, moving around in shadow form. Firstly, if a person is regularly having dreams or visions related to Hades, it is possible that the god is trying to communicate with them and draw their attention to his sphere of influence. Finally, I made contact with a spirit Im connected to through my tarot cards and pendulum and it said that there was something contacting me, but would not elaborate. Discernment is required. The goddess Persephone is both kind and strict. When Zeus was of age and properly trained, he returned to Chronus in disguise and tricked his father into vomiting his siblings back up. Polytheism, at its core, is the belief in multiple gods. Recently I had a spiritual decision to make and I was genuinely conflicted. Made from high quality designer resin and cold cast bronze, this statue has a wonderful metallic finish that makes it perfect for display. Thoughts that arent yours that tell you things you have no way of knowing. This may be an image or animal associated with a certain God or Goddess popping up a lot unexpectedly in dreams or visions. As you may expect, many of the myths involving Hades highlight his wrath and quickness to deliver just punishment. Even if I dont have an extra penny to put away or if I find myself scrounging for change, I combat it each day by making sure I have a plan for long-term success that Im diligently following. Animals are sovereign persons the same as we are they do their own things for their own reasons, reasons that rarely involve bringing messages to humans. She then made the earth barren (as Demeter is the goddess of the harvest) and the land grew dark and cold while the crops died. It might be painful, but it could also be the most important thing you do. "I am reaching out to you" is a phrase used to introduce the purpose of an email. Here are just a few possible signs: If you have a sudden interest in this god, thats a pretty clear sign that hes reaching out to you. A word of caution: If you are a baby witch, you may find it easier to work with a gentler deity for the . Read scholarly works on how our ancestors understood and worshipped their Gods. One of the reasons behind his epithet The Unseen One is his trusty Cap of Invisibility, which God Hades has been known to lend to other gods and, most famously, to Perseus to aid him in his quest to slay Medusa. If you dont feel comfortable doing these things on your own, you can always ask a trusted friend or family member who is also pagan/witchy for their opinion. welcome to Hades, here we celebrate and discuss the Greek lord of the dead, the underworld, life , and death. Hers is a quiet power, the sort that is deftly exuded around Hades and Demeter, but it certainly exists. Despite such infamy, Hades was held in high honor, revered at funerals and times of mourning. Persephone doesnt go on a warpath or expect you to dedicate your life to social justice if you have a job in a different field. He comes to you in dreams. During Mabon, she is retreating to the Underworld to become the Queen of the Dead, a mysterious creature who is dark and stern. Persephone Unveiled: Seeing the Goddess and Freeing Your Soul: This book is a great self-help guide that also has a lot of information about the myth of Persephone. I'd already been meditating for years for health and stress-reduction purposes. She can be helpful when you need things to change and are trying to see a better future. One of the most important things about writing emails in a professional environment is striking the right level of formality. And remember that while the Gods are virtuous, lesser spirits can and will lie. Features Cerberus, the three-headed guard dog of the underworld, at Hades feet. This is where the old saying that Pagans are the People of the Library comes into play. For example, you pray for something and a song comes on the radio in a restaurant you sit in with words that are the exact answer to what you asked. In some myths, Persephone turned her into the mint plant and tore her to pieces out of sheer jealousy. He has ahuge presence; while hes not exactly scary, you can immediately sense his power. Perhaps They dont think who They are is particularly important. Its easy to imagine that, come springtime, she will be back in the meadow, singing and picking flowers. One day, Persephone was in a meadow picking narcissus flowers, when the earth quite literally opened up and Hades came through to kidnap her. Freya is leader of the Valkyrie, the Choosers of the Slain, warrior maidens who ride over battlefields on winged horses, taking the souls of warriors killed in battle to feast in Valhalla, Odin's Hall. There are a few potential explanations for how this could be seen as a sign from Hades. Instead of saying "I am reaching out to you" all the time, you might be better off trying one of the following: I am writing to let you know I am contacting you to say I am getting in touch with you I'm writing to confirm Just writing to say Just sending a message to say Just popping up here to say I wanted to touch base with you Hades, in my experience, is a loving and calming influence in my life. As someone who was forced to cope with death at a young age, it has been pleasant knowing Hades in my adult years and having some of my fears of death soothed, as I know there is someone looking out for me to be sure I get to exactly where Im going. Sure, Hades offered her equal share of his domain, and her mother always has her back because of love, but her strongest, truest power comes from within. Hades is known for being stern, but I find him to be extremely supportive in a fatherly way. If its still unclear after all this, then maybe it would be better for now to stay away from Hades until your heart has healed enough so that he wont trigger any painful memories or emotions. In fact, in can take quite a while to actually make contact with any specific deity. Web hades signs reaching out 0 views discover short videos related to hades signs reaching out on tiktok. Persephone is a great deity to work with if youre interested in shadow work. Could be. I am the proud owner of And most of us love to answer questions about our Patrons. Here are some of the main ways to show Hades your devotion. Head to our post on Persephone for more details on how this came to be. However, make sure you ask permission before you enter. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Queen of the Sacred Way: A Devotional Anthology in Honor of Persephone: This book covers the various myths and a lot of history. Unlike many of the other Greek gods, Hades is very serious and regimented. Persephone is both powerful and naive, and she is clearly loved by Hades. Again, Hades is prevalent anywhere the dead are, so you can do two things at once. She really does want to help you grow and change. Theyre not all the same. If there have been recent conversations between the recipient and sender, and the sender is now following up on an action point that was agreed to during a previous exchange, you could also use the phrase as per our previous conversation to introduce the purpose of your email. Trying to find out whether a deity is reaching out to you or not can be very tricky and I want to give you my opinion on the topic. In many ways, her story is a metaphor that applies to us in so many different ways. Typically, she is wearing a role and a crown (of darker coloring) and is seated at Hades side, a gorgeous yet stern Queen. When she wants to tell you something, she doesnt beat around the bush. Talk to Their contemporary followers were to the point now where pretty much every deity whos active in our world already as a few priests and devotees. Since that is more their story, thats all the detail well go into here. If you feel drawn to these symbols or compelled to learn more about them, it may be a sign from Hades that he is reaching out to you. 2021 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. How to respond: divination. These include natural riches as well as treasures buried underground. Before we talk about how you know if youre being called, we need to discuss what it means to be called in the first place. You find yourself attracted to power, strength, and secrets. While some know this as a devastating tale of kidnapping, some see Persephone as a figure that is torn by love, as she is forced to make an impossible decision between her own mother and the god she loves. I saw four possible choices. Drawn to bones. Winter became perpetual. She reaches out to you in your dreams or on the astral plane. See a better future the origins of the keyboard shortcuts I have found that is. Metallic finish that makes it perfect for display to show Hades your devotion x27 ; d already been for. Need things to change and are trying to see a better future forms, lets talk about the of... Point in time a life-long fear his equal, unlike Hera on Olympus set boundaries in your dreams or.! Am reaching out to you & quot ; I am dropping you a message to you in your.. Us to pay a small tribute to financial mindfulness each day kind even. 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