Applicant is in receipt of Higher Rate Mobility Component of Disability Living Allowance (HRMCDLA), An original HRMCDLA award letter dated within the last 12 months, Applicant is in receipt of War Pensioners Mobility Supplement, Applicant is in receipt of Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (tariff 1-8), An original award letter, which also certifies that you have a permanent and substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty walking, People awarded Tariff 6, - Permanent Mental Disorder of the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme, An original award letter which demonstrates that the applicant has been awarded tariff 6 - Permanent Mental Disorder under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme, Applicant is registered as sight impaired under section 29(4)(g) of the National Assistance Act 1948, An ophthalmologist report or CV1/BD8 form confirming that the person is severely sight impaired (blind) or registration with local authority as sight impaired. When using the power to retain a badge being misused by someone other than the genuine badge holder ((d), as above), enforcement officers should establish that the disabled badge holder is not part of the journey. antibiotics), or by subcutaneous injection (e.g. In enforcing the Blue Badge Scheme, we recommend that enforcement officers receive disability awareness training so that they can carry out their duties appropriately. See regulation 6(4)9(c) of the 2000 regulations. It is recommended that local authorities include declarations at the end of the application form for the applicant to review and sign. Policy and background Includes The applicant needs to provide evidence that they should not walk very far because of the danger to their health. If the organisation uses a vehicle to transport disabled people who would normally get a badge themselves they may be able to get a Blue Badge for the organisation. Your local council deals with all Blue Badge enquiries. With certain restrictions, a blue badge enables the holder to park: Free of charge at a parking meter or pay-and-display bays. The guidance will be subject to regular review. Local authorities need to make clear to applicants and badge holders that a badge should be immediately returned to the local authority where: Anyone who parks in a designated parking for disabled peoples space without displaying a valid Blue Badge and/or clock if appropriate will be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice/ Penalty Charge Notice/Excess Charge Ticket, dependent on the parking enforcement arrangements in that County. To qualify under this criteria an applicant must have a permanent and substantial disability (i.e. Such locations include commuter hubs, colleges, stations, shopping centres, sports grounds and entertainment venues, or anywhere that parking is in high demand. You can use your Blue Badge to park in certain restricted areas for free, including: at on-street parking meters. WebBlue badge holders are being reminded to check their badge is still valid and to get it renewed if it's within a month of expiring. Some councils have paper application forms or can help you with your application. It is important that there is effective communication between issuing departments and parking enforcement teams or other enforcement agencies. It is more difficult to verify lost badges, because very few police authorities will provide an incident number for lost articles. The following link has all the contact details:Contact the Disability Service Centre. The Welsh Government advises people visiting the UK from non-EU countries that they should bring their parking badges with them and notify the local authority in the areas they intend to visit to see if their badge would be recognised, but emphasise that this is entirely at the discretion of the local authority. Local authorities can arrange to share the information held by BBDS which will reduce requests for ad hoc information. The applicants driving license should be coded as either of the following: Each Blue Badge application should be treated on a case-by-case basis and the final decision about whether an applicant meets the criterion is for the issuing local authority to make. If documents are provided as certified photocopies they should include the text: This copy is a true likeness of the original alongside the signature; printed name and occupation of the person providing certification. You are completely unable to walk, have considerable difficulty walking or substantial impairment to mobility. It is recommended that a badge is awarded once an applicants mobility starts to be affected in a way that meets the eligibility criteria. No assumptions or questions should be raised about why the individual has been issued with a badge, as this is not the enforcement officers role. BBDS has a system of reminder letters to badge holders when a Blue Badge is approaching its expiry date. a person recovering from complex leg fractures sometimes managed with external fixators for periods well over a year; a person recovering from stroke or head injury that has impacted on their mobility; a person recovering from spinal trauma which impacts their mobility. However, there are certain exceptions as explained below: Where HRMCDLA, PIP or WPMS has been granted for a period of longer than three years, the badge can still only be issued for the standard three year period. Once you apply, your local council will process your application. This process may be easier if local authorities work together to share information on lost and stolen badges in their area. At the point of application, each local authority must request further relevant evidence, should evidence provided by the applicant be insufficient. The intelligent use of cross-checking existing council records may identify information to support an application under the subject to further assessment walking criterion. The formal notification required to register as severely sight impaired is a Certificate of Vision Impairment (CVI(W)) signed by a Consultant Ophthalmologist. Very often the person using the badge will admit on questioning that the holder is not involved in the journey; some local authorities telephone the holder to establish their whereabouts. GOV.WALES uses cookies which are essential for the site to work. The Pavlik harness is made of canvas, with straps, Velcro and buckles. Where a badge is displayed on a motor vehicle, section 21 of the 1970 Act provides a power for constables or enforcement officers to require any person who is in the vehicle, or appears to have been in, or to be about to get into, the vehicle, to produce the badge for inspection. Photographs do not need to be provided for organisational badges. Non-essential cookies are also used to tailor and improve services. Local authorities have discretion to charge a fee of up to 10 for an organisational or replacement badge. If an applicant can walk 40 metres (44 yards) in less than a minute (a pace of 0.67 metres/second or more), including any stops to rest, then the speed at which they walk is not likely to make walking very difficult when considered in isolation. When you apply you will need to provide an original award letter from the Department of Work and Pensions which shows your entitlement for this benefit. The Welsh Government has provided guidance and funded an Independent Assessment Service to help authorities undertake assessments. 5. This will probably have been done at the initial application stage in the Declaration section of the Blue Badge application form. Where an applicant has provided a caravan or mobile home site address on their application, local authorities will need to verify this information. Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 introduced a Public Sector Equality Duty which requires public bodies - including local authorities - to have due regard to the need to: This Duty came into force on 6 April 2011. BBDS provides a national online application through GOV.UK. You should consider this to make sure you are not without a Blue Badge. Your local council decides on the charge for a Blue Badge and you pay the money When a badge holder dies, their badge should be returned to the local authority (Footnote 14). For an individual person badge the mandatory fields for applications through BBDS are: Whilst the National Insurance Number is not a mandatory field, the Welsh Government recommends that local authorities complete this field, where possible, because it is helpful in confirming the identity of an applicant. An applicant may have undergone a related functional assessment with a different council department or health provider and this should be checked when disclosed during an assessment. This could mean your local council may not be able to process applications: If you reapply for a Blue Badge your local council should reply to tell you about the situation in your area. An applicant with the above award and certification will have an award letter from theService Personnel and Veterans Agency confirming that they are in receipt of the appropriate award and any qualifying criteria with regards to mobility. Having a common system for processing Blue Badge information and securely printing and distributing badges prevents many types of fraud and abuse. Transsexual and transgender people live permanently in a gender other than that assigned at birth. 3. Bear in mind that healthcare professionals do encourage mild exercise to improve certain conditions so these cases will need to be looked at and considered on an individual basis. If you think you might have difficulty accessing the Civic Centre, please mention this to the Blue Badge team when you telephone, and we will tell you about the arrangements we have made to help you. You receive Personal Independent Payment (PIP) with a score of 8 points or more for moving around or 12 points for planning and following a journey. The leaflet explains clearly their rights and responsibilities as a badge holder along with other useful information about where badge holders can park. We follow guidance set by the Welsh Government but they do not have the power to intervene in the assessment of individual cases. It is important that detailed information on the eligibility criteria is provided to all applicants at an early stage to provide realistic expectations and prevent time being wasted by applicants who do not meet the criteria. If a person collects a badge in person from the local authority this can be an opportunity to highlight to the badge holder key facts pertinent to the use of the badge. The 2000 regulations now make it explicit that a valid badge retained because it is being misused must be returned as soon as reasonably practicable to the holder (provided that the authority does not have pre-existing grounds, under the regulations, for withdrawing the badge). If the badge is subsequently found or recovered, the original badge should be returned to the local authority so that it can be destroyed (Footnote 16). Where you cannot park. If possible no other person should be visible in the photograph. If you don't have a drive, garage or other place to park your car in the boundary of your property then we may consider creating a disabled persons parking space. Welsh Government recommends local authorities take full advantage of the BBDS to check the national database for key information about the status of individual badges. Please note, we do not accept cheque, cash or postal orders. Local authorities are allowed to charge a fee of up to 10.00 for an organisational or replacement badge. Local authorities have been asked to supply information to Welsh Government based on their BBDS standard management report. However, it is recommended that where possible, organisations should provide local authorities with an electronic file of their logo. The scheme is open to eligible people who may be travelling as a driver or a passenger. It may be advisable where visitors from another country have contacted the local authority about using their Badge in the local area that details and possibly an image of that badge is shared with enforcement officers to avoid advice conflicting with the issue of parking tickets. because it was reported lost or stolen, should have been returned to the issuing authority (e.g. See regulation 10 of the 2000 regulations (as amended by S.I. The BBDS, provided by Valtech Ltd includes: Local authorities have instant access to details on Blue Badge holders from anywhere in Great Britain, not just in their local authority area. The issuing authority may wish to warn the holder about the seriousness of misuse when returning the badge. This includes taxis and hire cars that you're driving, or travelling in as a passenger. It is for the local authority to decide whether they will accept only originals or certified photocopies of documents. Changing or handing back a Blue Badge. Recognition is voluntary, rather than mandatory, and so local authority enforcement officers can refuse to recognise an overseas badge if they have reasonable grounds to believe that it is fake or forged. You'll need some information to apply or re-apply for a Blue Badge. The speed at which they are able to walk. Support may be available from Citizens Advice, British Red Cross, Age UK, Shaw Trust or you can contact SCVS for details of other support organisations. See regulation 9(1)(c) of the 2000 regulations. A Blue Badge lets you park closer to your destination. However, local authorities are reminded that badge holders must have given their consent to sharing their personal information under the UK General Data Protection Regulations. Youll need a recent digital photo showing your head and shoulders. You are Registered blind or have a severe sight impairment. See regulation 4(2) of the Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (Wales) Regulations 2000 (S.I. Applications or renewals for Blue Badges must be made through the online system on the website. This eligibility criteria is for people who are unable to apply for PIP because they are not of working age or choose not to apply for PIP. When you apply you will need to provide a letter from a Paediatrician. Local authorities should ask for a copy of the original letter if the HRMCDLA has been awarded within a period of 12 months prior to the date of the application for a Blue Badge. For example civil enforcement officers may use hand held Personal Digital Assistance type devices, or use the Global System for Mobile Communication network to check the national database for key information about the status of individual badges. Get further help with a Blue Badge. The declaration needs to say that they are an organisation concerned with the care of eligible people and that they will be using the vehicle solely for the purpose of transporting those people. Healthcare professional evidence should be used to form the basis of this decision. Whilst an original assessment may have determined that they meet the criteria for a period of more than 12 months, consideration will need to be given to the applicants recovery or progress as well as anything else which could affect or change the original prognosis. When you apply you will need to provide one of the following an ophthalmologist report; CV1/BD8 form confirming the applicant is severely sight impaired (Blind); registration with the local authority as sight impaired at the severe level. Local authorities will need to ensure that they check the BBDS for any applications received through GOV.UK. Good Practice: It is recommended that where possible, civil enforcement officers undergo PACE training as part of their role. 9. Where suitable, local authorities can accept electronic photographs in a similar style to passport photos. To aid the inspection process, a gender marker has been added to the badge serial number. See regulation 9(1)(f) of the 2000 regulations. By continuing to use this site, you agree to our use of cookies. In such circumstances these applicants should be made aware of the local authoritys standard complaints procedure, in the same way that any other user of the local authoritys services would be informed of their right to complain. WebThe City and County of Swansea Council (Welsh: Cyngor Dinas a Sir Abertawe), or simply Swansea Council (Welsh: Cyngor Abertawe), is the local authority for the city and county of Swansea, one of the principal areas of Wales.The principal area also includes rural areas to the north of the built-up area of Swansea and the Gower Peninsula to the Local authorities should note that Welsh Government does not have the power tointervene in individual applications which have not been successful and that they should not advise applicants to appeal to the Welsh Government, unless in the very specific circumstances set out in Regulation 10 of the 2000 Regulations. In addition, some disabilities may not be immediately visible. Any breathlessness reported by the applicant when walking, or as a consequence of the effort of walking. At this point the local authority can verify that the photograph matches the person named on the badge. Local authorities who receive an application under the temporary criteria will need to check if the applicant has supporting evidence from health providers or social services. Lost, stolen, faded or damaged Blue Badges. 10. We use cookies on this site to enhance the user experience. Blue badge disabled parking permits - a Freedom of Information request to Swansea Council - WhatDoTheyKnow Blue badge disabled parking permits BBC Shared Data Unit made this Freedom of Information request to Swansea Council as part of a batch sent to 216 authorities This request has been closed to new correspondence. This is considered to be good practice because a badge holder is less likely to falsely claim that a badge has been stolen if required to formally report this to the police. (Footnote 15). It is for local authorities to decide how to do this. If this is to be successful, they must be able to demonstrate that the information supplied can be acted on and responded to. Further information may be required from time to time. The local authority that issued the badge is able to change the address details and inform the new local authority through the BBDS system. Consideration may need to be given to cross-referencing an applicants reported experience of pain with the healthcare professional evidence and information they provide about their permanent and substantial disability, details of medication they take, coping strategies they have adopted and any courses of treatment designed to help them manage their pain. On summary conviction a person may receive a fine of up to 5,000, a maximum prison sentence of 6 months or both. You can reapply for a Blue Badge yourself, for someone else, or for an organisation (such as a care home). 1. The applicant should be reminded in their decision letter that they have a duty to return the badge to the local authority if at any time their mobility improves. 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